Academicus International Scientific Journal

The effects of the global economic crisis on Macedonian economy: Some macroeconomic indicators and future policy recommendations  

Dr. (PhD) Elizabeta Tosheva
University St. Clement of Ohrid, Bitola. Faculty of Law, Kichevo, North Macedonia

The recent economic and financial crisis caused a severe blow to the fragile Macedonian economy, halting the positive development trends in the last decade. This, has in turn, intensified the future challenges. The paper intends to analyze the impact of global economic crisis on the Macedonian economy focuses mainly on the macroeconomic level, identifying and analyzing fluctuations of major macroeconomic indicators that reflect the development and macroeconomic balances of the economy, such as GDP, the level of employment, inflation, budget deficit, public debt, etc. Secondary analysis of previous quantitative data and published studies, combined with an own qualitative study in the field, has provided a reliable and convincing basis for analysis. The experiences and lessons taken from the global economic crisis should serve as a basis for changing the current economic model with a new one in order the economy of the country to catch a connection with the intense changes that are expected to occur in the coming period. It is expected that creating new economic model in Republic of Macedonia will result in multiple positive effects that primarily manifested in the increasing number of newly small and medium enterprises, domestic investments, industrial production, GDP, number of new employees and total exports as well as in reduction of the trade deficit in maintaining macroeconomic stability of the country.

Republic of Macedonia; economic crisis; unemployment; inflation; budgetary deficit; policy recommendations

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The article's content ©Academicus™ The effects of the global economic crisis on Macedonian economy: Some macroeconomic indicators and future policy recommendations by Dr. (PhD) Elizabeta Tosheva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Presented: October 2015
Included for Publishing: December 2015
Published: January 2016, Volume 7, Issue 13

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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