Academicus International Scientific Journal

List of Facts

Academicus International Scientific Journal, (Academicus ISJ), as a nominative and cover is a registered trademark by the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Education of Albania, protected by the International Trademark Classification under the Nice Agreement labelled DP13193-DP13194-28-2010
Academicus ISJ has an ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier), 0000000509611104, assigned by the British Library.  Its print ISSN is 2079-3715 and its electronic ISSN is 2309-1088.

Academicus International Scientific Journal is an Open Access Journal, Diamond OA Journal according Science Europe and Blue Journal according to Sherpa Romeo, to assert everyone's right to share the scientific content, licensed under a Creative Commons License of Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), while mEDRA in collaboration with CrossRef provides us with the DoI Resolver and uses the ONIX (Online Information Exchange) syntax, the most authoritative standard communication format for the content industry.

Academicus ISJ, member of OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Associations). by sharing the principles of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science at the 41st session of UNESCO General Conference in November 2021, is member of the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC), Open Abstracts (I4OA) and Open Archives Initiative for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), which is a multi-stakeholder project between scholarly publishers, infrastructure organizations, librarians, researchers to make scholarly citation data openly available to enable the creation of new and better metrics.

Academicus ISJ enables and facilitates the full range of automatic data collection by databases and digital libraries and a better reachability and coverage of our articles by readers and researchers with xml metadata according to the CrossRef, Doaj, Ebsco, Repec, OAI-PMH, OJS schemes  for each articles in each issues.

In order to collect, preserve and disseminate the work published in its volumes, Academicus ISJ archives its volumes in Portico also in an Institutional Repository through DSpace of Epoka University, the most widely used repository solution in the world.

Academicus ISJ  is semi-annual self-published fully non for-profit journal; its average circulation is 1000 copies per issue and the revenues from the commerce of hard copies and e-books of its issues represent the financial support of the journal.

The hard copies of Academicus ISJ are available at the National Library of Albania in Tirana, the Vlora City Library, The Academy of Science of Albania Library and at the Library of the Ministry of Education in Albania.  Academicus ISJ  is available at the British Library including the cataloging of the hard copies of the Special Issue of Academicus ISJ, "Essays on Culture, Politics and Power", of the well-known sociologist Franco Ferrarotti.

Academicus ISJ is present in about 1000 library systems that are part of WorldCat, the world’s largest library catalog, supported by OCLC, a global library organization.

The full content of Academicus ISJ is available in all OA databases such as: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), OpenAire,  RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), SceinceOpenIngenta, Scilit, Cejsh, Econis (Catalogue of the ZBW - German National Library of Economics). As well as in by-subscription databases such as ProQuestEbsco and MLA or Central and Eastern Europe Online Library (CEEOL) by a free registration. 

The journal is indexed by ERIH Plus, the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences  and it is also indexed by MLA International Bibliography, Modern Language Association in a selective list of journals

ANVUR, the Italian agency of evaluation of universities, research and scientific qualification, includes Academicus ISJ in the list of journals qualified for publication for the European Academic Advancement in the Area 13 and Area 14 which include social, humanities and economic sciences.
AGAUR , the Spanish Agency for Management of University and Research Grants included Academicus ISJ by listing it in Carhus + 2018, MIARCIRC Clasificacion evaluates as a "C" journal.
Beside ERIH the Norwegian NSD (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) included the journal in the list of publishing valid for the academic advancement. The same is valid for the academic advancement in Finland (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies).

Academicus ISJ, besides Google ScholarDimensions or Citec - Citacion of Economics part of Repec as well as other platforms and indexers,  in order to measure the academic impact of its articles, except for Google Scholar Citations and Crossref cited-by service, integrated for each of them, according to the citations and readings of an article, inserted PlumX, issued and developed by Plum Analytics, part of Elsevier and has inserted the measurement of the research impact and research attention of the journal by Altmetric part of Digital Sciences, as well as by Dimensions, part of the same, which measures the citation by referring to a high-quality selected database of journals for its measurings, for each of our articles where in each of them he added the option of Direct Citation part of the Academicus Publication Management System.

Academicus ISJ has been recommended as a first scientific source for reading on issues of the Balkan area and South and Central European Issues by Universities at the top of the Times Higher Education Ranking or Shanghai Ranking, or international organisms such as UNESCO or UNDP. 

International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555