Academicus International Scientific Journal


The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Arta Musaraj, is one of the candidates for the OASPA 2024 Board of Directors (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Associations) for one of 4 available seats on the Board (two are for Mixed Model and two are for Fully OA publishers)12 candidates have been nominated to stand in the election, where a short biography for each candidate is available at the OASPA page  "Information" link  Election OASPA Board of Directors

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The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Arta Musaraj, has been elected as Member of the Membership & Fees Committee of CrossRef, the largest digital object identifier (DOI) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation.

The committee makes recommendations to the board about fees and policies for services and procedures in relation to fees and community work of CrossRef. It also reviewes new services while they are being developed, to assess if fees should be charged and if so, what those fees should be, and the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI).

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On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of publishing of Academicus ISJ, the Editorial Board opens the Call for Paper for Issue 30, July 2024.

15 articles on the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, which will be included in this issue, will be eligible as nominated to the Best Paper Prize contest, which through an evaluation process by the Authors of this issue and that of the Members of the Editorial Board, will end up with the selection of the First, Second and Third Best Paper.

Within 15 days after the online publishing of Issue 30, July 2024, authors of this issue will be welcome to send by e-mail at their ranking by 1 to 14 points for each article (excluding the evaluation of their paper). The same procedure will be followed by the Members of the Editorial Board who will provide their ranking by 1 to 15 points for each article. One representative of ETC, Entrepreneurship Training Center, will also follow up the regularity of the voting process.

After the accumulation of all evaluations, the Editorial Secretariat will provide and publish at the website of Academicus ISJ the list of the 3 best prizes with the total of points each of them and will proclaim the winners of the:

- First Prize which includes travelling from your country to Tirana Airport, economy class, accommodation for one night full board at a 4-Star hotel and participation at the Great Gala, which will be held on the 5th of September 2024 in Albania, on the Day of Sanctification of the Albanian Saint Mother Theresa, a National Official Holiday, and the official starting day of Academicus ISJ 15 years ago. The winner will also receive the full chain of 30 Issues in hard copy of Academicus ISJ.

- Second Prize awarding the winner with accommodation for one night full board at a 4-Star hotel and participation at the Great Gala. The winner will also receive the full chain of 30 Issues in hard copy of Academicus ISJ.

- Third Prize awarding the winner with the participation at the Great Gala. The winner will also receive the full chain of 30 Issues in hard copy of Academicus ISJ.

Academicus ISJ in this jubilee year welcomes your proposals for Issue 30, July 2024. The deadline for this Call for Paper is 31st of May 2024.

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Besides the numerous types and formats of metadata xml that Academicus ISJ already provides to its articles, as part of Albanica, the Albanian Academic Journal Network, are now available, for all digital libraries and databases, the OJS System 3.x of metadata,. This enables and facilitates the full range of data harvesting by databases and digital libraries, and a better reachability and coverage of our articles by readers and researchers.

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Academicus International Scientific Journal becomes part of OASPA, Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association


OASPA, the Open Access Publishers Association, which gathers elitarian publishers that globally promote the publishing of the scientific content in Open Access, as an authoritative and internationally well-known “par excellence” certifier of the OA publishing, after a rigorous evaluation process, based on the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing created in collaboration with The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), included Academicus ISJ in its category of Scholar Publisher. Academicus is now part of 200 most influential publishers worldwide in OA, as the predominant model of communication for scholarly outputs, which provide to the scientific community a wide and quick distribution of the content they create, as well as an increased impact of their research.

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EBSCO includes Academicus ISJ in another of its databases (rising the number in 9 databases where the journal is listed there), at the product suite called EBSCO Essentials™,  a product line of open access and freely available content for individual users who can move easily from web search results into EBSCOhost™ resources to which their institutional libraries subscribe.
EBSCO is one of the biggest provider of products and services to libraries of many types around the world.

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Academicus ISJ is now Member of UKSG, United Kingdom Serials Group, the international association of universities, libraries and first class publishers of the scientific content, pioneer in connecting the information community and in the exchange of ideas on scholarly communication, which among others, in  collaboration with NISO set up a joint initiative called Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (KBART) to make recommendations for the transfer of metadata, by addressing issues affecting the efficiency of OpenURL linking, which philosophy we share and support.

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The President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri (2015 – 2019), as guest speaker opens the academic year at the Global and International Studies of the University of Salamanca, an outstanding program in pursuing excellence, leaded by the member of the Editorial Board of Academicus, Prof. Fernando Lopez-Alves.

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On Tuesday 18 October 2022 in the Multimedia Room of the Palazzo del Rettorato of Sapienza University of Rome, Professor Eugenio Gaudio, former Rector of the University and current President of the Roma Sapienza Foundation, opens the proceedings of a Round Table promoted by the 'Nuova Accademia' Italia on "The thirtieth anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty and the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Euro" critical reflections and perspectives in an interdisciplinary vision. Together with Prof. Guglielmo Chiodi, president of the Nuova Academia Italia, in the panel of discussants also the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Arta Musaraj, with the presentation "The Treaty of Maastricht and the accession of the Western Balkans. Reflections on coherence in EU integration processes".

To learn about the event from the Sapienza University website, click here, For more about programme, see here.

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Academicus ISJ becomes an SDG, Sustainable Development Goals Publishers Compact Members.
By following up its involvement as a scientific publishing partner, in initiatives which pursue environmental awareness and sustainable development, such as that with the University of Milan, Sapienza University of Rome and Nuova Accademia, now Academicus, alongside with the most authoritative scientific publishers of the world, becomes part of the List of SDG Publishers Compact Members.
The Sustainable Development Agenda and the commitment to take action in the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations becomes now, even more, a distinctive label of the scientific content of the journal.

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MLA International Bibliography, Modern Language Association indexes Academicus ISJ into its selected and restricted list of journals.

MLA, the Modern Language Association of America, one of the world’s largest scholarly associations and one of the most authoritative points of reference and standard setter for the creation and publication of the scientific content on a global scale, by listing Academicus ISJ into its Directory of Periodicals, assigns another significant achievement to the journal on its pursue of excellence, in the publishing of the scientific content.

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On Monday, 15 November 2021, at 4.30 pm, the 'Nuova Accademia' and the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome organizes an online meeting to remember Maria Immacolata Macioti (1942-2021), former professor at Sapienza University of Rome , Founding Member of the Nuova Accademia Italia, and our distinguished Founding Member of the Editorial Board of Academicus International Scientific Journal. The memory of the missing colleague will be traced by Prof. Emanuela Del Re, currently Special Representative of the European Union for the Sahel and member of the 'Nuova Accademia' and by Prof. Enrica Tedeschi, professor at the University of Roma Tre, with an introduction by Prof. Guglielmo Chiodi, Sapienza University of Rome, President of the 'Nuova Accademia' and Member of the Editorial Board of Academicus and by Prof. Marina Ciampi, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology, Communication, Sapienza University of Rome in the virtual meting for all who want to listen memories by her colleagues and collaborators.  

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Academicus ISJ is now in ScienceOpen, as a targeted and significant Collection.
ScienceOpen, the innovative and bursting platform, born to propel academic communication towards open access models, founded by Alexander Grossmann and Tibor Tscheke, having at its core the researchers network platform embedded in a discovery environment, enables the readers of Academicus ISJ to have free access and interaction with over 73 million records of research articles, academic books, conference proceedings and datasets.

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Ebsco, by recognizing the importance of the scientific content and impact in the research community of Academicus ISJ, enlarges its indexing by including Academicus in the 5 most important databases in Humanities. 

Academicus ISJ is now indexed in Humanities Source Ultimate, Humanities Source, Humanities International Complete, Humanities International Index and Humanities Full Text, beside the other databases previously indexed in Ebsco. 

Academicus ISJ as part of the Highest Quality Subjects Indexing of Ebsco, is a strong reference for researchers and readers in Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as it is a valid platform of the creation and dissemination of the qualitative scientific content on a global scale. 

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Instead of an In Memoriam to Maria Immacolata Macioti  

Academicus started its journey 12 years ago as a train traveling in the track of “Enhance and Disseminate Science” fueled with “Courage and Non-conformity”. 

Maria Immacolata Macioti, as Founding Member of the Editorial Board of the journal, was definitively an artificer in the creation of such an inclusive and highly selective publishing platform, always careful to the dimensions of scientific rigidity, accessibility and interdisciplinarity in the journal's content, its publishing practices and international impact. 

These are contributions that will never whiten, since they are core components to Academicus’ mission. 

The trail that Minette has left, a distinguished international scientific authority and a great and courageous cultivator of sociological discourse, will never fade. 

I think this is the same feeling as all of us, that we have had the privilege of being part of her world and being touched by her immense heart of her. 

She will forever remain the great visionary advisor and mentor, always present in the future stations of the journey of Academicus, reflecting the great dedication of Prof. Macioti to the qualitative scientific publication and social research, as a contribution academician's must give to humanity.  

Minette Now and Forever!! 

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Academicus International Scientific Journal is added to the partners of the Global and International Studies, University of Salamanca Graduate Studies, an international program of achieving excellence in Global Business and Negotiations, Nationalism and Conflict Management and Social, Technology and Global Affairs.
For more click here

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Academicus ISJ in the vanguard of Metrics with Altmetric, part of Digital Science, the global giant platform of scientific publications’ dissemination and evaluation, is now incorporated to all articles of Academicus ISJ as a new tool to measure not simply citations, as most of metrics actually do, but the real impact of a scientific work by measuring the research impact and research attention of the paper.
Enlarging the concept of impact by shifting from the simple citation criteria to that of mentioning, our authors learn the real impact, readings, interests their work and scientific publication have and Academicus ISJ, by providing the Altmetric metrics to each of its articles, assist researchers and authors by orienting them toward a more focused research toward targeted topics, research interest and their geographies.

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Julkaisufoorumi Publication Forum (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies) and Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD), are added to the list of National Agencies of Accreditation and Academic Advancement of EU countries which include Academicus ISJ in the list of publications valid for the academic advancement in their countries for authors publishing there.
Such inclusion by 2 of the leading countries in EU in higher education and scientific research, Finland and Norway, signs a meaningful achievement foe Academicus, by confirming the high level of its publishing standards and quality of its content.

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Prof. Arta Musaraj, Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ took part in the World Science Conference, Seoul, Korea, 3-5 February, 2020.

Prof. Arta Musaraj, was one of the selected academicians of the panel of discussant in the World Sciences Conference, chaired by the Nobel Prize recipient Prof. Mario Molina and Nobel Prize recipient Prof. Luc Montagnier.
During the sessions dealing with Education and Public Communication for environmental issues and human development, the contributions of Prof. Musaraj focused on economic paradigms over recent phenomena on land, agriculture and economic development, as well as on education, curricula set up and public communication on environmental issues as direct vectors on economic and human development.
During this agenda, Prof. Musaraj consigned the Logo of Honor of Academicus ISJ to the President of the Women's Federation for World Peace International, Dr. Julia Moon, for her support of women participation in science on a world scale.
To see more, click here

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EUCED, European Economic Interest Grouping with headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal, includes Academicus ISJ as Cooperation Partner and its Editor in Chief, Prof. Arta Musaraj as Associate Member.
This partnership confirms once again Academicus as a strong disseminator of the results of scientific research on a European and international scale and at the same time as a hub of expertise in development and research projects framing.

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Portico, the worldwide leading digital preservation archive, includes Academicus ISJ and the content of all it issues published up to now as well as that of its future publications on Portico's dark digital archive.
This event signs up an important milestone for Academicus ISJ in preserving the scientific work of our authors and content of our issues beside that on Open Access in an Institutional Repository through D-Space. At the same time this represents one of the highest standards on scientific research publication and preservation of the scientific content.
For more, click here.

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Academicus ISJ is a collaborator and supporter of the International Conference "Innovations in Science and Education" organized on March 20-22, 2019, by ISE Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic, indexed in Web of Science Core Collection of Clarivate Analytics (ex-Thomson Reuters) by publishing two articles selected by the Scientific Board of the conference each year.

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It has been published and introduced the new book "Genocidi e stermini di massa. Il Novecento a confronto" by Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti, Member of the Editorial Board of Academicus ISJ.
A book designated to remain and tell, the last publication of Prof. Macioti on 'Genocide and mass extermination. The twentieth century compared'.
By a meticulous and voluminous documentary and analytic exposition, the book passes through the most brutal "mass exterminations" starting with that of the beginning of the century and the "massacre of the Armenians", than holocaust, the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis, those in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Italian Libya, Rwanda, South Africa, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina etc referring to different geo-political contexts and different situations case by case. The other significant side of analysis is the social context and reaction to these tragic events by going from the courageous one on some cases of Ecclesia, Authorities and citizens to stay in the side of the victims and those, which by setting a juridical frame, decided to support executioners.
A travel into the social conscious, memory and awareness of our societies of the twentieth century as an attempt to remember strong and dramatic social experiences to built up better societies.

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On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of publishing of Academicus ISJ, the Editorial Board opens the Call for Paper
"Best Paper Prize - 10 Years of Academicus International Scientific Journal"
For more click here

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Prof. Arta Musaraj chairs the first session of the convention "Days of Study" of Nuova Accademia Italy, on "Scientific Culture and Humanistic Culture", in collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome.
This signs another excellence mark of the Nuova Accademia in being an active platform of the scientific debate under the principles of the interdisciplinary research.
To see more, click here

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The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Prof. Emanuela Claudia del Re, received in a special meeting on November 30th 2018 at the Foreign ministry of Italy, Rome,the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ Prof. Arta Musaraj and the Member of the Editorial Board Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti.
A comprehensive project in collaboration with ANRP (Italian National Association of Veterans from Prisoning) supported and endorsed by the Deputy Minister Del Re, who welcomed the project idea, aiming that through remembering of the past to highlight the future of collaboration and common aspirations between Italy and Albania, by reinforcing values, identities and cultural commonalities of the two countries, was the main topic of this meeting. This meeting was preceded by a consulting session at ANPR with the President of ANRP, Prof. Enzo Orlanducci.
Academicus ISJ will be the scientific vector in this project, which aims to underline and introduce by starting from a scientific point of view the reflections about social dramatic events between the countries as tools of the construction of the social consience in a future of collaboration.
For more click here

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ANVUR, the Italian agency of evaluation of universities, research and scientific qualification, renews for the year 2018-2020 the validity of Academicus ISJ in the list of journals qualified for publication for the Italian Academic Advancement,
Area 13 Economy (Click here to see the full list)
Area 14 Social Sciences (Click here to see the full list)

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The Special Prize “L’Iguana”, Italy, 5th edition, for the best essay, has been assigned to Prof. Maria Antonietta Selvaggio for “Gli scugnizi carraciolini”, partly published in Academicus ISJ at Issue 9, year 2014, entitled “From urchins to sailors: an educative and civic experiment in Naples (1913-1928) - The story of “Caracciolo”, between poverty, social solidarity and education challenges”.

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“Teocracy and Technocracy” is the next station of the Days of Study of Nuova Accademia, this time at Sapienza University of Rome, May 3rd 2018.
The extraordinary initiative on inter disciplinary studies undertaken from the researchers and academicians of Nuova Accademia at this time collaboration with Sapienza University, will take place at the multi medial aula of the Rectorate of Sapienza.
The President of Fondazione Spaienza, Prof. Antonello Folco Biagini, and the President of Nuova Accademia, Prof. Guglielmo Chiodi, will welcome the event where the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Arta Musaraj, founding partner of Nuova Accademia, will take part as speaker with “Technocracy and the futture of Western Balkan" in the Session chaired by Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti, Coordinator of the Critica Sociologica.
For more, click here.

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Academicus International Scientific Journal will patronate in collaboration with the Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy and the Interdisciplinary Center for Research-Sostenibility and Human Security of the University of Milan, the extraordinary initiative of “Nuova Accademia”, an avanguarde platform of scientific research in Europe, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary arena of research and confrontation, different from those one developed up to now, in the “Academic Study Days of Nuova Accademia”, which will be held at the University of Milan on December 11, 2017.

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Academicus ISJ becomes part of ProQuest, the most comprehensive and important scientific database worldwide. ProQuest is part of Cambridge Information Group, the biggest among publishing companies in offering of information services for educational institutions.
ProQuest, which is available by subscription in the libraries of almost all universities worldwide, included the full content of the volumes of Academicus ISJ on 5 of its' more important databases:
ProQuest Central, ProQuest Central Essentials, ProQuest Central K-12, Research Library Prep and Social Science Premium Collection.

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Academicus ISJ is now included at Ingenta Connect, which is the world's largest resource for scholarly publications. Ingenta, with its headquarter in Oxford, UK, is the largest supplier of technology and related services for the publishing industry.
IngentaConnect supports 25,000 institutional library, over 31 million user sessions and delivers over 1 million full text articles each month.
To learn more, click here.

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"The Times" of London, in its weekly publication "Times Hingher Education", in the publication of two days before for the ranking of 1000 best universities in the world, based on the assessments of the Board of Editors of Thomson Reuters, the most authoritative publication in the world for the assessment of academic and scientific advancement as well as scientific publications, recognizes Academicus ISJ and its Editor in Chief, Arta Musaraj, as an added value in the listing of the University of Bergamo among the first 500 qualitative universities in the world.
To see more, click here.

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Academicus ISJ facilitates authors to upload their research works on Harvard Dataverse of Harvard University in open access. The Editorial Board of Academicus ISJ invites all potential authors to insert the results of their research for publishing at Academicus ISJ through this excellent platform open source.

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The special initiative of Academicus ISJ named "The Journal, Universities and Scientific Debate", has stationed with the Lectio Magistralis of the member of the Editorial Board of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Michele Marsonet, Dean of the School of Humanities at the University of Genoa, Italy held the 25th of April 2016 at Epoka University, Albania
“Globalization and National Identity” was the topic of the lecture held by Prof. Marsonet, one of the most known Philosophers of Political Sciences, which opened a vivid scientific debate with professors, researchers and students at the auditorium of Epoka University, considering the great social and political sensibility of this topic nowadays as well as highlighting the need to enhance the scientific debate which must procede events on the geo-political point of view.
The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj, as endorser of this event and Prof. Marsonet, have been than received by the Rector of Epoka University, Prof. Dr. Güngör Turan, in a meeting where they discussed about the further collaboration in the field of Research, academic achievement and scientific publication.
To see more, click here.

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In the 90th anniversary of Franco Ferrarotti, one of the most well-known contributors in sociological sciences in the world,
the Italian Association of Sociologists (AIS), the Central Directory of Audiovisual and Sonorous Heritage, Ministry of Culture of Italy and Italian Sociologists of Religion, organized an event in the 90th anniversary of birth of Franco Ferrarotti, considered and defined as the Founder of the Italian Sociology, one of the most well-known contributors in sociological sciences in the world.
With the participation of the most well-known Italian sociologists, researchers, academicians and policy makers, the Italian sociology made an excursion through the thousand pages of precious works and creations of Franco Ferrarotti, by highlighting his contribution, as defined, the founder of the Italian sociology, in the social and political life of the country.
The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj, as one of the speakers of the selected panel, "in her Tribute to Ferrarotti", highlighted some of the main contributions of Ferrarotti in defining the role and social dimensions of the scientists and researchers as well as the forecasting power of science, by opening a debate on the conscience of science, the present and future of our societies.
For more click here

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The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Albania, Acad. Prof. Dr. Muzafer Korkuti, welcomed the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj.
In the premises of the Academy of Sciences of Albania was held today a special meeting between President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, Acad. Prof. Dr. Muzafer Korkuti and the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj.
The Scientific Research, its platforms of publication, the internationalization of the impact of scientific findings in an inclusive optical dispersion of the scientific research were the main arguments of this meeting.
Academicus ISJ in its seventh year of its publication, already with a physiognomy and value internationally recognized in the science and research environment, is undoubtedly an added value and contribution, and at the same time an evidence of the opportunities of development and integration of the inputs of the Albanian researchers in the European and global framework of scientific research.
In this occasion, the Editorial Board of Academicus ISJ donated to the Library of the Academy of Sciences of Albania the full collection of the published volumes of Academicus ISJ.
To see more, click here.

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The Rector of La Sapienza assigns the Silver Medal of Sapienza to the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Arta Musaraj
In a meeting with the Pro Rector of International Affairs Prof. Botta and that of Cooperation, Prof. Triulzi, the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Arta Musaraj received the Silver Medal of Sapienza University assigned by the Rector of La Sapienza, Prof. Eugenio Gaudio. To see more, click here
This is a further confirmation of the scientific and academic contribution of Academicus ISJ in the field of scientific publication as well as an evaluation of the contribution of Prof. Musaraj in the academic outreach and scientific collaboration with this university.
At the same time, a facsimile of the Original Statute of La Sapienza University written by Pope Bonifacio VIIIth of 23th April 1303 has been consigned to her at this event.

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ERIH, the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences of the European Science Foundation (ESF) includes Academicus ISJ in its elite list of scientific journals.
The European Science Foundation (ESF) is the coordinating body for Europe’s main research funding and research performing organizations. It counts 66 Member Organizations from 29 European countries and its members are the National Research Institutes and Excellence Research National Institutes of EU and other European countries.
The inclusion in ERIH is a confirmation of the standards and achievements of Academicus ISJ in publishing scientific research results as member and contributor of excellence in science and research in Europe and on a global scale.

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Academicus ISJ becomes part of the electronic repository. RePec, (Research Papers in Economics)
RePEc is the world’s largest collection of scholarly information for economics and related disciplines where among it's major participants include Economics departments of many “top 50” US programs and leading universities worldwide, outstanding research institutes such as NBER, CEPR, IMF, World Bank, IFS, Federal Reserve System, ECB, publishers as AEA, Econometric Society, Royal Economic Society, Cambridge, Oxford, Chicago, MIT, Springer, Kluwer and a majority of the “top 300” economists on Tom Coupé’s list.

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The member of the Editorial Board of Academicus ISJ, Professor Maria Immacolata Macioti, presides an exceptional initiative under the title: Armenia : Metamorphosis between memory and identity . A week of meetings , cinema and publishing supported by the Armenian Embassy to Italy and by the Sociology of Religion section of the AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia -The Italian Sociology Association).
From the 23rd until the 28th of March this week of initiatives will take place in Rome includes planned activities which will take place in three prestigious locations of the historic centre: at Palazzo Antici Mattei, at the ICSBA (Istituto Centrale per i Beni sonori e audiovisivi - The Central Institute for Sound and Audiovision), at Vittoriano, where shortly beforehand a significant exhibition of photography of Armenia is due to open, and at the Trevi cinema.
This week of activities will comprise various events, from the presentation of films to that of books concerned with the Armenia of yesterday and of Armenians today, without forgetting socio-political, historic, religious, and research methods debates. Taking part in these events will be journalists and musicians (Armenian music being well-known throughout the world) authors and university scholars, Italian as well as Armenian, exponents of various religions: Armenia was the first state in the world to convert to Christianity, and to this day the most significant representative of the Church of Armenia, the Catholicos, is near Yerevan, the capital of the Armenian Republic. In Italy on the other hand Armenian Catholicism has more presence.

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The General Consul of Italy in Vlora and the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ started the Cultural year of the Italian Embassy in Albania, with the presentation for the Albanian public of “Essays on Culture, Politics and Power” of Franco Ferrarotti, published by Academicus ISJ. Read more in the official web site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Italy
In a press conference, The Consul of Italy in Vlora, Stefano Bergesio and the Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Arta Musaraj, introduced the book by making also a reassume of the echo and success of this book up to now in Italy and worldwide. To see more, click here.
According to Prof. Musaraj, Franco Ferrarotti, introduces to the international community of researchers and scientists as well as decision and policy makers, a very unique work for the arguments it introduces, as well as for answers and orientations it gives.
The General Consul of Italy in Vlore, HE. Bergesio, considered that the General Consulate of Italy in Vlore, during 15 years have been taking a very active role in the promotion of the values of collaboration in science and culture between Albania and Italy and this book can be also considered as a result of this philosophy of collaboration among mutual academic circles and a contribution of the collaboration through culture and education. To learn more, click here

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The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ Arta Musaraj introduces in Rome the book published by Academicus of the internationally well-known sociologist Franco Ferrarotti, “Essays on Culture, Politics and Power” * For more, click here
Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj has developed the scientific debate together with the author of the book, Franco Ferrarotti, the Head of the PhD studies in Social Sciences at the La Sapienza University of Rome, Prof. Guglielmo Chiodi, Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti, Coordinator at the Italian Association of Sociology and Egni Malo, Researcher at London Metropolitan University, at the PhD study course of La Sapienza University of Rome. * For more, click here
The ministry of Culture and Tourism of Italy published on its official website the news. * Click here for the Official website of the Ministry of Culture of Italy
The Rector of the University Roma3, Prof. Mario Panizza, in this occasion has welcomed on a special meeting Prof. Arta Musaraj, who donated him the full series of publication of Academicus ISJ together with the book of Franco Ferrarotti published by Academicus ISJ “Essays on Culture, Politics and Power” as well as the special plate of honour with the logo of Academicus ISJ. * For more, click here
Academicus ISJ definitely the most important international scientific publication in English language published in Albania, has become now part of the elite reality of the European scientific research. It has now recognized as a hub of research, science and culture on an international scale.
To see more, click here

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The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ Prof. Arta Musaraj together with Prof. Roberto Cipriani , University "Roma 3", Italy and Prof. Enrico Pugliese, University "La Sapienza", on the coordination of Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti, University "La Sapienza", will introduce the monographic publication by Academicus ISJ of Franco Ferrarotti named “Essays on Culture, Politics and Power”, on December 2, 2014, at the Library of Modern and Contemporary History, Rome, Italy.
To see more, click here

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Extraordinary Publication of the famous sociologist Franco Ferrarotti published by Academicus ISJ.
Academicus International Scientific Journal publishes in English language a essays book of the most famous Italian sociologist, one of the most famous in the world, Franco Ferrarotti, entitled: Essays on Culture, Politics and Power.
The full publication of Ferrarotti - a polyhedral intellectual and one of the most widely read of our time- can be find at the Issues directory of the Academicus website.

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The President of Albania, H.E. Bujar Nishani, welcomed in a special meeting at the Presidency the Founder and Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the publishing of the Academicus ISJ, on behalf of its International Editorial Board, Prof. Musaraj consigned to President Nishani the full series of issues of Academicus ISJ and its Plaque of Honor. The academic and scientific achievement of Academicus ISJ has been on focus in the discussion, emphasizing the role and impact Academicus ISJ has on promoting the scientific values, scientific research in the fields of social and political sciences, law, economics and communication. President Nishani, by expressing his appreciation for the series of publication, emphasized the importance that science and academic research has not simply in the academic life, but also in the improvement of the society and our lives.
President Nishani expressed his good will to support Academicus ISJ as a valuable scientific asset and valuable scientific publishing platform that Albania presents to the global academic community.
To see more, visit the official website of the President of the Republic of Albania

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The Global Conference on Business Management (GCBM) 2014 has Academicus ISJ on its group of distinguished universities and institutions of Affiliated Associates.
The Conference on “Creating Sustainable Business Value: Embedding Sustainable Practices into Strategies”, 12-13 June 2014, Singapore will address important issues concerning the link between research and business environment on topics like innovation, entrepreneurship and strategies.
The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof.Dr. Arta Musaraj, will be a Keynote Speaker and member of the GCBM Advisory Board of this very important platform.
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Academicus ISJ is an Official Supporter of the International Conference in Social Sciences, 25-26 March, 2014 in Sri Lanka. The event will be a very important meeting point for researchers and academicians worldwide on the field of Geography and Climate Changers, Philosophy and Psychology, Politics and Political Sociology, Sociology and Anthropology, Criminology and Justice and Gender and Women's Studies.
The Editor in Chief of Academicus ISJ, Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj will contribute as Member of the Scientific Committee of this Conference.

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Thomas Patrick Melady, a distinguished honorary member of the Editorial Board of Academicus International Scientific Journal, a career diplomat of the United States of America, passed away.
The readers of Academicus will miss the brilliant expertise of Thomas Patrick Melady, an excellent analyst of Balkan area issues. All the prayers of the Editorial Board, authors and readers of Academicus International Scientific Journal go for the family of Ambassador Thomas Patrick Melady.
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Academicus ISJ is now part of DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals, the biggest open access directory of scientific journal worldwide, which includes journals that meet high quality standards by exercising peer review or editorial quality control. Now Academicus ISJ is widely accesible to researchers and scholars with interest in the fields covered by the journal. For more, click here

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ANVUR, the Italian agency of evaluation of universities, research and scientific qualification, includes Academicus ISJ in the list of journals qualified for publication for the European Academic Advancement. For more, click here

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Academicus’ full content is available in OA, traceable by a dynamic interface which connects keywords, abstracts and full texts with crossed references in Index Copernicus, the indexer which includes about 20.000 scientific journals in its ICI Journals Master List database, by being an added accessible support to readers and researchers
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The Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.), the online archive providing access to full text articles from humanities and social science scholarly journals on Central, Eastern and South Eastern European topics, includes Academicus ISJ on its database as a valuable scientific publication platform in Balkan and South East Europe.
For more, click here

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Academicus ISJ signs from 2010 a 5 year term contract for inclusion with EBSCO Publishing, among the biggest in the world in the field of scientific publishing, which by EbscoHost supplies a fee-based online research service by including it in 5 of its databases in the category Academic Search. For more, click here

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A new magazine that began in an era dominated by electronic messages now clearly is both an act of intellectual courage and fervent hope for the future.
Especially in countries that are developing into modern industrial sense, such as Albania, a magazine like this could mark a turning point than the political theories still purely intuitive or dogmatically metaphors of the past.
Even the Albanian society, exactly like the rest, in this respect, the other technically advanced society, needs the sociological and political field.
In other words, the social and political relations can not be experienced in traditional magic, or just under the authority of the ‘eternal yesterday.
It is time to execute a concept and practice of social development that are based on systematically responsible participation of all citizens.

Franco Ferrarotti
Prof. Emeritus of La Sapienza University, Italy
Founder of La Critica Sociologica
Rome, April 22nd, 2010

Franco Ferrarotti, the best known Italian sociologist, is one of the world’s most famous sociologists. His numerous books have been translated into French, English, Spanish, Russian and Japanese. He has collaborated with leading scientific US journals, as well as Europe. He is the author of several books evaluated by popular writers, artists and social scientists.

International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555