Call for Papers
The Editorial Board of Academicus International Scientific Journal invites submissions for
Volumes 16, Issue 32, July 2025.
The submissions to the Journal are selected for publications on the basis of a peer-review mechanism conducted by our articles reviewers team, consisting of academicians and experts in the fields covered by the journal.
Authors are invited to send their full article proposal by uploading directly at the “Authors Submission” category or the e-mail address:
The deadline for submissions is 31st May 2025
Submission received after this date shall be considered for the next volume.
The guidelines for submission and Peer Review Process are available at our website in Journal Regulations.
International Scientific Journal
pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088
Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555