Academicus International Scientific Journal


The phenomenon of translatability in the Europeanization of the Law

Full Reference List:

1. Bellomo, Manlio. “The common legal past of Europe 1000-1800”, The Catholic University of America Press Washington.
2. Glenn.H.Patrick. “Legal History of the World’, Oxford, 2007.
3. Graziano, Thomas Kadner. “Comparative Contract Law” cases, materials and exercises, published 2009 by Palgrave Macmillan, D.C.
4. Nicholas, Barry. “The French Law of Contract”, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1992.
5. Vranken, Martin. “Fundamentals of European Civil Law’, Federation press, 2010.
6. Marsh, P.D.V. “Comparative contract law England,France,Germany”, Gower, 1996,p.33.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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