Academicus International Scientific Journal

The Albanian legal framework on non-discrimination and gender equality in employment relationships  

Dr. (PhD) Ilir Rusi
Law Faculty, Tirana University, Albania

Discrimination and gender inequality in employment relationships are present in every society, at any time and whatever their victim is. With the development of society, despite the measures taken to prevent discrimination, this phenomenon continues to be present and appears in different forms. In a society with economic civilization and culture development, people cannot explain why do such phenomena that become an obstacle to the realization of a right as the right to employment exist, when it is sanctioned and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, in international conventions ratified by our country, in the Labor Code and particular laws, such as the “Gender Equality law”. Discrimination in employment relationships and in the workplace continues to appear in its traditional format based on gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, age but also in new forms based on disability, sexual orientation, genetics and lifestyle. Despite all efforts to prevent discrimination, this phenomenon has always been a threat to all individuals seeking to enter into an employment relationship. We all have the right to work, to be treated equally during a competition for a particular job, to get a fair wage, to be paid equally with others for the same job, to get promotion, to be safety in work, to get vocational training and retraining benefits without being discriminated of race, religion, age, gender, political belief, sexual orientation, etc. However, the first opportunity for discrimination is encountered from the moment when hiring an individual. But, despite the momentum when we are faced with discrimination or one of its kind, there should be placed great attention by the State through the relevant authorities and by the society itself by denouncing it. We shouldn’t be subject of violation of the right to employment and equal treatment in employment relations. Not without reason the two principles: the principle of prohibition of discrimination and gender equality are two principles enshrined in international conventions, giving it a great importance. In this paper there is addressed the Albanian legal framework that sanctioned and guaranteed the principles of prohibition of discrimination and gender equality, as the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, the Labor Code, the law on “Gender Equality in Albania”, as well as institutional mechanisms to ensure gender equality in Albania.

Legal framework; principle, discrimination, nondiscrimination, gender inequality, work relations

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The article's content ©Academicus™ The Albanian legal framework on non-discrimination and gender equality in employment relationships by Dr. (PhD) Ilir Rusi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Presented: December 2011
Included for Publishing: December 2011
Published: January 2012, Volume 3, Issue 5

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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