Academicus International Scientific Journal


The Woman as the “Other” in Yamina Bachir’s “Rachida” and Aziz Salmy “Amours Voileés”

Full Reference List:

1. Andrea Khalil, (2008), North African Cinema in a Global Context: Through the Lens of Diaspora, Routlege: London and New York
2. Aziz Salmy “Amours Voileés” (2008) available at watch?v=9NpWas84NoE
3. Cheira Belguellaoui; (2007), Contemporary Algerian Filmmaking: from “Cinéma National” to “Cinéma De L’Urgence” (Mohamed Chouikh, Merzak Allouache, Yamina Bachir-Chouikh, Nadir Moknèche), Phd thesis, Florida State University Libraries.
4. Dinia and Kenza (2016), Women in Contemporary Moroccan Cinema, Journal of Middle East Media, Vol. 12, Spring
5. Jervis, J. (1999). Transgressing the modern. Explorations in the Western experience of otherness. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
6. Le Figaro Jan. 8, 2003. Baudin, Brigitte, “Drame avec ‘Rachida’, la cinéaste Yamina Bachir- Chouikh dénonce la violence à travers le portrait d’une jeune institutrice: Le terrorisme au quotidian en Algérie.”
7. Plate & Jasper, (1999), Imagining Otherness: Filmic Vision of Living Together, Scholars Press Atlanta, Georgia
8. Simone de Beauvoir, (1980), The Second Sex, trans. H.M. Parshley, New York: Vintage Books
9. Suzanne Gauch, (2016), Maghrebs in Motion: North African Cinema in Nine Movements, London: oxford university press
10. Yamina Bachir’s “Rachida” (2002) available at

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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