Academicus International Scientific Journal

European Union Nation Branding through Humanitarian and Developmental Initiatives - Focus on EU Aid Volunteers  

Doctoral Candidate Biljana Popovska
Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany. Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia
MSc. Julie Darcq
International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany

Diverse from the Erasmus program, amongst other EU international interactions, Humanitarian and Developmental initiatives resulting in Nation Branding is a field that is hardly explored. This paper has tried to analyze the concept of supra-nation branding through the EU humanitarian and development program named EU Aid Volunteers Initiative, through focusing on how a supranational organization such as the EU would go about a nation branding initiative that promotes its collective values in Humanitarian and Development Aid. In order to explore the concept of supra-nation branding, it firsts gives a brief introduction about the initiative and identifies the key elements of EU nation branding as well as its humanitarian and development initiatives. Then, it analyzes it through Anholt’s lens and a SWOT analysis, followed by critiques and a conclusion. This analysis proved fruitful in terms of enabling a structural understanding behind the processes employed by the E.U Aid Volunteers Initiative and how it shall enable the E.U to advance its image as a supra-national entity both locally, regionally and internationally. In addition, as the European Union is an entity unlike any other it generates comprehension for future organizations motivated by a collectivity in idealisms and cultural identities, enabling the application of their country’s image abroad through a means of which embodies a form of cultural-humanitarian diplomacy.

EU; supranational; supra-nation branding; values; initiatives; cultural-humanitarian diplomacy

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The article's content ©Academicus™ European Union Nation Branding through Humanitarian and Developmental Initiatives - Focus on EU Aid Volunteers by Doctoral Candidate Biljana Popovska , MSc. Julie Darcq is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Presented: May 2019
Included for Publishing: June 2019
Published: July 2019, Volume 10, Issue 20

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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