Academicus International Scientific Journal

The influence of demographic indicators on corruption perception in Slovenia  

Doctoral Candidate Matic Borošak
Ostria llc, Ljubljana. DCT-Qlin Life Clinic, Begunje, Slovenia
Dr. (PhD) Štefan Šumah
OMCO llc, Žalec, Slovenia

The attitude to corruption and the perception of it (as well as the acceptance or rejection of corruption) depends largely on the customs and traditions in a particular country, with the causes of corruption deriving from the political, economic, social conditions of a particular country and from the historical development, customs and culture. However, the demographic indicators must not be ignored. The existing researches thus show that the perception of corruption, at least to some extent, depends on gender (women are supposedly less corrupt and perceive corruption more; age and education). For the purpose of this article, the influence of demographic indicators (gender, age) on the perception of corruption in Slovenia was researched. The results were compared with the already known researches and it was determined that there are no statistically significant differences in the perception of corruption with regard to gender and age, which shows that Slovenia, in view of the specifics of the corruption perception (although the corruption perception is high in Slovenia), differs from other countries in which researches took place.

corruption; perception; gender; age; Slovenia;

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The article's content ©Academicus™ The influence of demographic indicators on corruption perception in Slovenia by Doctoral Candidate Matic Borošak , Dr. (PhD) Štefan Šumah is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Presented: March 2019
Included for Publishing: June 2019
Published: July 2019, Volume 10, Issue 20

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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