Academicus International Scientific Journal

Sovereignity, statehood and self-determination in international law - The Kosovo case  

MSc. Spiro Paço
University of New York Tirana, Legal Intern, PwC, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Tirana, Albania

The self-proclamation of Kosovo’s independence announced on February 17 invites us to some general considerations that may be linked to the specific event. The IL principle of Self-determination will be on the focus of this article to considering it as one of the way to archive the creation of new IL entity. Self-determination is a more recent principle then the others but its history, theory and practice is immense. The origin of the term and idea also is in discussion and debating among historian and lawyer. The term have been used simultaneously in the same period (end of WW I) by the US President Wilson and the USSR Premier Lenin referring to the right of the non self-governed territory like colony and occupied regions.

International Law; Secession; State Succession; Kosovo

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The article's content ©Academicus™ Sovereignity, statehood and self-determination in international law - The Kosovo case by Dr. (PhD) Spiro Paço is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Presented: November 2015
Included for Publishing: December 2015
Published: January 2016, Volume 7, Issue 13

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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