Academicus International Scientific Journal

Israel and the Occupied Territories  

Prof.Dr. Maria Immacolata Macioti
University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

It was always so affecting this building, dedicated to the children of Yad Vashem. Every things goes in the dark and being traversed by a handrail, while we can see many lighted points around us in this space: the stars that remember so many missing children. There is a different set up and different things but I also found another beautiful and touching museum dedicated to the children, including those in the museum Yad Lailed opened in Kibbutz Lohamei He Ghettaot, founded by survivors of Warsaw Ghetto. The section devoted to children, in 1994, intends to make them understand the Holocaust without too much trauma. The shape is a spiral. The children and their families had been sucked into a spiral of violence. But here we want to bring a message of life. The final room is devoted to the children that have been survived. During the path they can be worked to reconstruct through didactic materials, you can set in a circle, the other groups present stories with their characters. Let’ us start with the round room with colorful windows, copies of drawings of the children that speak about in the time of the camp, what it should be the room at the end of the route. Above, there is a figure of a butterfly that remembers you a well noun poem about a butterfly in the ghetto. And together with the Sun means the hole of life. The blue sky always is present in the drawings. The real Sun threw the first to the last room can enter into darkness recesses of the Warsaw ghetto. We can read sentences or phrases of the children of that time: “ I want to take with me my clown, but my mother says- the case was already closed”. We can pass threw the dun sacks made with the gray old clothes that keep inside them all their memories when they were ready quickly, a reason to talk about how many people lived every day life In their homes in the past. Then we are walking into the tracks that break: and there are images of Jews pushing each others by the trains. There is a crowed of people that we can’t see their faces; people without identity. Other people with the recovered memory you enter in the darkness. There is a round dark room. Even in a spiral shape. In the center, there is a lighted candle. You can start from the dark even though there is so little light of the Sun that it is drawn by the children. Our guide explain that it isn’t necessary to emphasize to tell about the tortures. This, we can learn later. The message here should be positive. At the end of all there is the Sun, the Light. The life begins again. You can release from drama. For this reason it is necessary to insist for theatre and sculpture, and drawing on research. The children have the possibility with the help of this instruments, with the help of the narrative to be free from drama.

Israel Occupied Territories; Palestina; Israel; Identity;

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The article's content ©Academicus™ Israel and the Occupied Territories by Prof.Dr. Maria Immacolata Macioti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Presented: October 2009
Included for Publishing: December 2009
Published: April 2010, Volume 1, Issue 1

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