Prof. Maria Immacolata Macioti
University La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Member in Memoriam of Editorial Board
(Passed away on July 10th 2021)
University La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Member in Memoriam of Editorial Board
(Passed away on July 10th 2021)
Formerly full professor at University “Sapienza” of Rome, at first in the faculty of Sociology, and then in Communication Science, and, recently, in the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication Science.
Editor in Chief of the quarterly “The Sociological Critique”.
She founded and directed the Master Course on Immigrants and Refugees at University “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy and for a decade she was Coordinator of the PhD in “Social Theory and Research” at the same university by holding at the same time the chair of Vice President of the Union of Roma City Universities in Social Sciences, Arts and Environment (SUAA).
She was Coordinator of the AIS, Italian Sociological Association.
Prof. Macioti was also Coordinator of the Sociology of Religion of the Italian Social Sciences Association and for several years, she collaborated with Dossier on immigration of Caritas, Italy and on the Annual Report on the Italians in the world, as well as she was in charge of the Permanent Observatory for Refugee Victims of War of the ANRP.
International Scientific Journal
pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088
Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555