Prof. Giuseppe Canullo
Politecnic University of Marche
Ancona, Italy
Member of Editorial Board
Dep. Economic and Social SciencesPolitecnic University of Marche
Ancona, Italy
Member of Editorial Board
Giuseppe Canullo is Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics “Giorgio Fuà” at the Marche’s Polytechnic University (UNIVPM), Ancona, Italy.
International Programmes Coordinator, Faculty of Economics and IEB Coordinator in the research fields: Economic Development, Regional Development, Economic of European Integration, Public Policy, Transition Economies
Prof. Canullo is Secretary General of the Neolatin Economic Association (AENL) and Director of the Research Centre on the Adriatic and the Balkans (CIRAB).
He is also Scientific Director of the Master in International Management, Istao.
Professor Canullo has directed programs on the implementation of Master Programmes in Economics of European Universities.
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International Scientific Journal
pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088
Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555