Academic Alajdin Abazi
Academician, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Republic of North Macedonia
Member of Editorial Board
Academician, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Republic of North Macedonia
Member of Editorial Board
Acad. Alajdin Abazi, Former Rector, SEEU University of North Macedonia. He started the academic career at at the University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo (1969-2000). As full Professor he held the position of the Dean of Technical Faculty and parallel with the teaching at the university he was also appointed (1982-1990) as President of the Board of the Institute for Research “INKOS” and as a member of the Board for development of the Electro-Economy of Kosovo.
In 2000, Acad. A. Abazi was appointed Director of the Foundation of the South East European University (SEEU) in Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia. Shortly after, he established the SEEU and was appointed the Rector of SEEU (2001-2010). Since 2010 he is Rector Emeritus at the SEEU, awarded with title Doctor Honoris Causa.
In international and regional journals and conferences Acad. A. Abazi has published as author and co-author more than 100 research and professional papers. He is author of five university text books.
Acad. Alajdin Abazi is member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Macedonia (2006, MANU), member of the Albanian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2011, ASHASH) and member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo (2012, ASHAK). For more, click here or here
International Scientific Journal
pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088
Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555