Academicus International Scientific Journal


The necessity of Intercultural Communication for a peaceful world

Full Reference List:

1. Baraldi C., 2003, Comunicazione interculturale e diversità, Carocci, Roma.
2. Bennett J.M., 1977, Transition shock: Putting culture shock in perspective, in «International and Intercultural Communication Annual», 4, 45-52.
3. Berger P., Luckmann T., 1966, The Social Construction of Reality, Garden City, New York.
4. Castiglioni I., 2005, La comunicazione interculturale: competenze e pratiche, Carocci, Roma.
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9. Goffman E., 1981, Forms of Talk, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
10. Gudykunst W.B., Mody B., 2002, International and Intercultural Communication, Sage, Thousand Oaks, Ca.
11. Hall E.T., 1966, The Hidden Dimensioni, Doubleday, New York; E.T. Hall, 1976, Beyond Culture, Garden City, New York; E.T. Hall, 1984, The Dance of Life: the Other Dimension of Time, Doubleday, New York; E.T. Hall e M. Reed Hall, 1990, Understanding Cultur
12. Hofstede G., 1991, Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind, McGrawHill England, London.
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15. Roger E.M., Steinfatt T.M., 1999, Intercultural Communication, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights (Ill.).
16. Samovar L., Porter R., 1973 [2000], Intercultural Communication: A Reader, Wadsworth, Belmont Ca.
17. Sarbin T.R., 1966, Role Theory, in B. J. Biddle e E. J. Thomas, Role Theory: Concepts and Research, pp. 233-249.
18. Scannavini K., 2009, Pensieri migranti, L’Harmattan, Torino.
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21. Scannavini K., 2013, Processi di socializzazione. Relazioni e comunicazioni interculturali, Liguori, Napoli.
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23. Stewart E.C., Danielian J., Foster R., 2007, Assunti culturali e valori, in M.J. Bennett, Principi di comunicazione interculturale (a cura di), Franco Angeli, Milano.

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eISSN 2309-1088

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