Academicus International Scientific Journal


A Comparative View of Terrorist Acts and Legislative Measures Countering this Phenomenon in Albania and the United States of America

Full Reference List:

1. Law no. 8865, dated 14.03.2002 “On the ratification of the international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism”, UN, dated 09.12.1999. Law no.
2. Law no. 8642, dated 13.07.2000, “On the ratification of the European convention for the suppression of terrorism”, Strasbourg, 27.01.1977.
3. Law no. 9646, dated 27.11.2006, “On the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism”, Warsaw, 16.05.2005.
4. UN Security Council Resolutions on the list of persons declared as financers of terrorism, updated until 20.07.2012.
5. Law no. 9258, dated15.07.2004 “On measures against the financing of terrorism”.
6. Law no. 9284, dated 30.09.2004 “On preventing and combating organized crime”.
7. Law no. 10192, dated 03.12.2009 “On preventing and combating organized crime and trafficking through measures against property”.
8. Law no. 9917, dated 19.05.2008 “On preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism”, as amended.
9. Xhafo, Jola “International Criminal Law”, “Geer” publishing house, 2009.
10. Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania.
11. Hide,Enri, “International Terrorism and European Security”, published in Journal “Security issues”, no.14, December 2009, the Institute for Democracy and Mediation.
13. Decision of the Constitutional Court, no. 04, dated 23.02.2011.
14. Council of Ministers Decision regarding the establishment of the Agency of Seized and Confiscated Assets, no.503, dated 30.06.2005, no. 968, dated 02.07.2008, no.314 dated 05.05.2010, no.687. dated 05.10.2011.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555