Academicus International Scientific Journal


Italy in the Balance. Electrons and Bourbons. Thinking of the recent past in order to understand the present and to plan the future

Full Reference List:

1. J. P. Eckermann, Gesprache mit Goethe, Leipzig, ed. Geiger, 1895. F. Ferrarotti, La storia e il quotidiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1986.
2. D. L. Altheide, The elusive mass media, and K. Lang, Mass communication and our relation to the present and past, in “Politics, Culture and Society”, vol. 2, n. 3, 1989, pp. 414-19.
3. A. Panebianco, Economia e mass media aiutano la democrazia.”Corriere della Sera”, 13 June 1989.
4. P. Johnson, The Intellectuals, Milan, Longanesi, 1989.
5. Stendhal, Viaggio in Italia, Milan, Rizzoli, 1942, p. 308.
6. F. Ferrarotti Una fede senza dogma, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 1990, esp. Chapter 1 Towards the end of Christianity, and chapter 2 The neo-Constantinian temptation.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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