Academicus International Scientific Journal


The right of social insurance as constitutional right and as an important right arising from labor relations - An overview of the framework of social insurance in Albania

Full Reference List:

1. Summary of the Albanian Social Insurance Legislation, Centre for Official Publications of the Republic of Albania, Tirana 2010, ISBN 978-9928-01-006-3, web site
2. Labor Code of the Republic of Albania -Law nr.7961, date 12.07.1995 - Official Bulletin no.16/1995; amended by Law no.8085, date 13.03.1996 - Official Bulletin no.6/1996; Law no.9125, date 29.07.2003- Official Bulletin no.72/2003; Law no.10 053, date 29.1
3. Prof. Aurela Anastasi “The constitutional law”, “Pegi” Printing- House, Tirana, 2004, ISBN 99927-941-1-9.
4. Prof.Asoc.Dr.Merita (Vaso) Xhumari “The process and institutions of social policy”, “The University Book`s House”, Tirana 2003, ISBN 99927-0-241-9.
5. International Labour Office, Social Security Governance: A practical Guide for Board Members of Social Security Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest 2005, ISBN 92-2-117857-9 (print), ISBN 92-2-117858-7 (web pdf)
6. International Labour Office, Collection of Pension Contributions: Trends, Issues, and Problems in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, 2004, ISBN 92-2-116262- 1 (print), ISBN 92-2-116263-X (web pdf)
7. Prof.Asoc.Dr.Merita (Vaso) Xhumari, “Pension Trajectories in Western Balkans, Three case studies: Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo 1990-2010”, “Pegi” PrintingHouse, Tirana 2011, ISBN 978-9928-124-24-1.
8. Prof.Dr.Xhezair Zaganjori - Dr.Arta Vorpsi - MA.Denar Biba “Constitutional Principles and Fundamental Rights in the Jurisprudence of Constitutional Court”, “Adelprint” Printing- House, Tirana 2012, ISBN 978-99956-32-28-1.
9. Prof.Kudret Çela “The labour law”, “Ilar”Printing- House, Tirana, 2003, ISBN 99927-855-3-5.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
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