Academicus International Scientific Journal


Tourism development, touristic local taxes and local human resources: A stable way to improve efficiency and effectiveness of local strategies of development

Full Reference List:

1. Milne S., Ateljevic I, Tourism, economic development and the global–local nexus: theory embracing complexity, Tourism Geographies 3(4), 2001, 369–393.
2. Ashley C. De Brine P, Lehr A, The role of tourism sector in expanding economic opportunities, Economic Opportunities Series, HBS, 2007
3. Tourism and sustainable development, Sustainable tourism, a local authority perspective, Commission on Sustainable Development, Seventh Session, 1999.
4. EU tax policy strategy, EU Comission, May 2011.
5. Sharply R, Tourism and sustainable development, exploring the theoretical divide, Journal of sustainable tourism, 2001.
6. Musaraj, Arta. "Local development and Local Partnerships: Universities applying pro-active PR in a local systems network logics." Academicus International Scientific Journal 2 (2010): 26-32.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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