Academicus International Scientific Journal


Contribution of Nobel laureates in development of economic thought

Full Reference List:

1. Antioch G., “Brilliant minds: the Nobel Prize in Economics”, Economic Roundup, 2006 Australian Government.
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7. Joseph Stiglitz, ”Globalization and its Discontents”, 2002, Pinguin Books, London.
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9. Lindbeck A. “Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969- 2000”, The Sveriges Riksbank: 4-9
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13. Pano A., Angjeli A., “Ligjëratat Nobel”, 2003, Tiranë.
14. Reserve Bank of San Francisco-Research Department, “Nobel Views on Inflation and Unemployment”, 1997, FRBSF Economic Letter, San Francisco.
15. Schultz Th., “Ulaganje u ljude”, 1985, Economic Library, Zagreb.
16. Sveriges Riksbank, Nobel lectures ( economics/laureates) 17. Weinberg B. & Galenson D.”Creative careers: The Life Cycles of Nobel Laureates in Economics”, 2005 NBER, Working paper 11799.

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