Academicus International Scientific Journal


Science and Religion as Conceptual Schemes

Full Reference List:

1. D. Davidson, “On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme,” Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 47, 1974, pp. 5-20. Subsequently included in D. Davidson, Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984,
2. R. Rorty, “The World Well Lost”, in R. Rorty, Consequences of Pragmatism, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1994, pp. 3-18.
3. L. Laudan, Beyond Positivism and Relativism, Westview Press, Boulder-San Francisco-Oxford, 1996.
4. R. Carnap, “The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language”, in A. J. Ayer (ed.), Logical Positivism, Free Press, New York 1959, pp. 60-81.
5. A.J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic, Macmillan, London, 1936. Reprinted by Penguin Books, London, 1990

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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