Academicus International Scientific Journal


Bismarck’s Orphan: The Modern World and Its Destiny, from “Disenchantment” to the “Steel Cage”

Full Reference List:

1. Ferrarotti, F. (2010). On the way to “Creative Empathy”: the concept of truth as a social community enterprise in GB Vico “New Science”. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (2), 10-25.
2. F. Nietzsche,”Beyond good and evil “, in Opere complete, Milan, ed. G. Colli and M. Montanari, 1965; vol. 6, part. 2, para. 6 (my emphasis).
3. Kant, Critica della ragion pura, Bari, Laterza, 1966, p. 20. Kant adds a note, “This method, imitated by the physicist, consiste of [...] seeking the elements of pure reason by means of what can be confirmed or contradicted by experimental means “ (p. 21)
4. K. Marx, “Critica della dialettica e della filosofia hegeliana in generale” in Opere filosofiche giovanili, Rome, Editori Riuniti, 1971, pp. 268-269.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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