Intragovernmental governance in South Africa
Full Reference List:
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3. | Consolidated Annual Report for the City of Tshwane For the Period: July 2016 - June 2017. |
4. | Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. |
5. | Daily Maverick. (2024). Available online: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2024-02-16-short-changed-national-treasury-threatens-to-halt-more-than-a-billion-rand-to-gauteng-metros/ (accessed on 03 March 2024). |
6. | De Visser J, Chigwata T, (2023). Coalition Governments: What are the Options for Law Reform at Municipal Level? Seminar held on 8 November 2023 at Dullah Omar Institute. |
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8. | Democratic Alliance Western Cape and others v Western Cape Minister of Local Government and Another [2006] 1 All SA 384 (C). |
9. | Department of Constitutional Development: White Paper on Local Government, 1998. |
10. | Department of Provincial and Local Government. (2004). The Municipal Infrastructure Grant Programme An Introductory Guide. (DPLG Pretoria). |
11. | Division of Revenue Act 6 of 2011. |
12. | Draft Western Cape Monitoring and Support of Municipalities Amendment Bill of 2023. |
13. | Du Plessis AA, (ed). (2015). Environmental Law and Local Government in South Africa. Juta, pp 272. |
14. | Du Plessis AA. (2010). Local Environmental Governance and the Role of Local Government in Realising Section 24 of the South African Constitution. Stell LR: 265-297. |
15. | Gen N 1915 in GG No. 48932 10 July 2023 (Intergovernmental Monitoring Support and Interventions-Bill, 2023). |
16. | Intergovernmental Monitoring, Support and Interventions Bill of 2023. |
17. | Karsten ASJ. (2022). Local Government Accountability in South Africa: An Environmental Law Reading. Doctor of Laws in Perspectives on Law. North-West University. |
18. | Kgetlengrivier Concerned Citizens and Another v Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality and Others (UM 271/2020) [2020] ZANWHC 95. |
19. | Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations of 2001. |
20. | Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Act 3 of 2021. |
21. | Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000. |
22. | MEC Responsible for Local Government, Western Cape v Matzikama Local Municipality and Others (747/2021) [2022] ZASCA 167 (30 November 2022). |
23. | Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003. |
24. | National Treasury. (2022). Available online: https://www.treasury.gov.za/publications/other/minansw/2021/PQ%201438%20-Brink%20-%20NW1637E.pdf (accessed on 05 April 2024). |
25. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 13 of 2005 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (Treasury Pretoria 2005). |
26. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 50 of 2009 Preparation of the Municipal Audit File (Treasury Pretoria 2009). |
27. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 58 2012 of Municipal Budget Circular for the 2012-13 MTREF (Treasury Pretoria 2012). |
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29. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 62 of 2012 Supply Chain Management: Enhancing Compliance and Accountability (Treasury Pretoria 2012). |
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31. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 65 2012 Internal Audit and Audit Committee (Treasury Pretoria 2012). |
32. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 67 of 2013 Budget Circular for 2013 MTREF (Treasury Pretoria 2013). |
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34. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 73 of 2013 System of Delegations (Treasury Pretoria 2013). |
35. | National Treasury MFMA Circular No 76 of 2023 Municipal Regulations on Financial Misconduct Procedures and Criminal Proceedings (Treasury Pretoria 2023). |
36. | National Treasury MFMA Circular 88 of 2017 Municipal Circular on the Rationalisation Planning and Reporting Requirements for the 2018/19 MTREF (Treasury Pretoria 2017). |
37. | National Treasury MFMA Circular 121 of 2022 Consequence Management and Accountability Framework (Treasury Pretoria 2021). |
38. | National Treasury MFMA 2020-21 Consolidated General Report On Local Government Audit Outcomes (Treasury Pretoria 2021). |
39. | Netswera MM, Khumalo P. (2022). The Coalition-building Process in South Africa: Reflection on the 2021 Local Government Elections. African Journal of Democracy and Governance: 219-242. https://hdl.handle.net/10520/ejc-ajdg_v9_n3_4_a2. |
40. | Premier, Gauteng and Others v Democratic Alliance and Others, African National Congress v Democratic Alliance and Others (CCT 82/20; CCT 91/20) [2021] ZACC 34; 2021 (12) BCLR 1406 (CC); 2022 (1) SA 16 (CC) (4 October 2021). |
41. | Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004. |
42. | Public Audit Amendment Act 5 of 2018. |
43. | Saldanha Bay Performance Management Framework, 2022. |
44. | South African Local Government Association The Municipality As Electricity Service Authority (SALGA Pretoria 2021). |
45. | South African Local Government Association Municipal Support and Intervention Framework (SALGA Pretoria 2020). |
46. | Special Investigating Unit v MEC for Health for the Province of the Western Cape and Others (2021) JOL 51786 (ECM) (unreported). |
47. | Unemployed People’s Movement v Eastern Cape Premier and Others 2020 (3) SA 562 (ECG). |
48. | Western Cape Monitoring and Support of Municipalities Act 4 of 2014. |
49. | Wright J, Dube F and Du Plessis AD. (2022). Judicial Enforcement of Mandatory Provincial Interventions in Municipalities in South Africa. Verassung in Recht und Űbersee 55(1): 105-125. https://doi.org/10.5771/0506-7286-2022-1-105. |
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