Academicus International Scientific Journal


Intragovernmental governance in South Africa

Full Reference List:

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4. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.
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11. Division of Revenue Act 6 of 2011.
12. Draft Western Cape Monitoring and Support of Municipalities Amendment Bill of 2023.
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16. Intergovernmental Monitoring, Support and Interventions Bill of 2023.
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19. Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations of 2001.
20. Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Act 3 of 2021.
21. Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000.
22. MEC Responsible for Local Government, Western Cape v Matzikama Local Municipality and Others (747/2021) [2022] ZASCA 167 (30 November 2022).
23. Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003.
24. National Treasury. (2022). Available online: (accessed on 05 April 2024).
25. National Treasury MFMA Circular No 13 of 2005 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (Treasury Pretoria 2005).
26. National Treasury MFMA Circular No 50 of 2009 Preparation of the Municipal Audit File (Treasury Pretoria 2009).
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30. National Treasury MFMA Circular 64 of 2012 Revenue Management (Treasury Pretoria 2012).
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34. National Treasury MFMA Circular No 73 of 2013 System of Delegations (Treasury Pretoria 2013).
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36. National Treasury MFMA Circular 88 of 2017 Municipal Circular on the Rationalisation Planning and Reporting Requirements for the 2018/19 MTREF (Treasury Pretoria 2017).
37. National Treasury MFMA Circular 121 of 2022 Consequence Management and Accountability Framework (Treasury Pretoria 2021).
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41. Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004.
42. Public Audit Amendment Act 5 of 2018.
43. Saldanha Bay Performance Management Framework, 2022.
44. South African Local Government Association The Municipality As Electricity Service Authority (SALGA Pretoria 2021).
45. South African Local Government Association Municipal Support and Intervention Framework (SALGA Pretoria 2020).
46. Special Investigating Unit v MEC for Health for the Province of the Western Cape and Others (2021) JOL 51786 (ECM) (unreported).
47. Unemployed People’s Movement v Eastern Cape Premier and Others 2020 (3) SA 562 (ECG).
48. Western Cape Monitoring and Support of Municipalities Act 4 of 2014.
49. Wright J, Dube F and Du Plessis AD. (2022). Judicial Enforcement of Mandatory Provincial Interventions in Municipalities in South Africa. Verassung in Recht und Űbersee 55(1): 105-125.

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