Franco Ferrarotti and the Challenges of the Social Research
Full Reference List:
1. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Che cos’è la Sociologia.” (2024): 1-134. |
2. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Essays on Culture, Politics and Power” Academicus International Scientific Journal, 2014, Special Issue. |
3. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Umano, Post-Umano, Trans-Umano.” Solfanelli, 2024. |
4. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Uomo dove vai?: la condizione umana nel futuro digitale.” (2023): 1-97. |
5. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Bismarck’s Orphan: The Modern World and Its Destiny, from “Disenchantment” to the “Steel Cage”.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 2.04 (2011): 11-34. |
6. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Bismarck’s Orphan: The Modern World and Its Destiny, from” Disenchantment” to the” Steel Cage”.” Social Research (1982): 634-667. |
7. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Biography and Social Resarch.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 13.26 (2022): 9-26. |
8. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Biography and the social sciences.” Social Research (1983): 57-80. |
9. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Introductory remarks on ideology and sociology.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 12.24 (2021): 16-38. |
10. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Italy in the Balance. Electrons and Bourbons. Thinking of the recent past in order to understand the present and to plan the future.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 4.08 (2013): 13-55. |
11. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “On the strained relationship between philosophy and sociology.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 10 (2014): 14-19. |
12. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Sacred and Profane. Essential ambiguity and vital necessity of the Sacred.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 9.17 (2018): 9-35. |
13. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “Science, for What? Or: Science with Conscience-The Invisible College of Dissenting Nuclear Scientists.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 10.20 (2019): 12-33. |
14. | Ferrarotti, Franco. “The Eclipse of Reason-A Present Time Risk.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 15.30 (2024): 11-19. |
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