Academicus International Scientific Journal


The Epistemological Side of Ontology

Full Reference List:

1. Davidson D. (1985), “On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme”, in Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985, pp. 183-198.
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3. Davidson D. (1996), “Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective”, in P. Coates,
4. Devitt M. (1991), Realism and Truth, Blackwell, Oxford, 2nd ed.
5. Dewey J. (1994), Experience and Nature, Open Court, Chicago-La Salle (Ill.), 9th pr.
6. Haack S. (1993), Evidence and Inquiry. Towards Reconstruction in Epistemology, Blackwell, Oxford.
7. Heisenberg, W. (1958), Physics and Philosophy, Harper, New York.
8. James W. (1907), Pragmatism, Longmans, Green & Co, London-New York.
9. Marsonet, M. (2018). Post-Empiricism and Philosophy of Science. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (18), 26-33.
10. Marsonet, M. (2019). Quine on the Dogmas of Empiricism. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (20), 93-105.
11. McDowell J. (1994), Mind and World, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.).
12. Putnam H. (1981), Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
13. Quine W.V.O. (1980), “Two Dogmas of Empiricism”, in From a Logical Point of View, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1980, 4th pr., pp. 20-46.
14. Rescher N. (1978), Peirce’s Philosophy of Science. Critical Studies in His Theory of Induction and Scientific Method, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame-London.
15. Rescher N. (1984), The Limits of Science, University of California Press, Berkeley- Los Angeles-London.
16. Rescher N. (1987), Scientific Realism, Reidel, Dordrecht-Boston.
17. Rescher N. (1990), A Useful Inheritance: Evolutionary Aspects of the Theory of Knowledge, Rowman & Littlefield, Savage.
18. Rescher N. (1992), A System of Pragmatic Idealism (Vol. I: Human Knowledge in Idealistic Perspective), Princeton University Press, Princeton.
19. Rorty R. (1982), “The World Well Lost”, in Consequences of Pragmatism, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1982, pp. 3-18.
20. Sellars W. (1963), “Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man”, in Science, Perception and Reality, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1963, pp. 1-40.

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