Academicus International Scientific Journal


Book of Changes: Cosmological and Anthropological Metaphors in Chinese Philosophy

Full Reference List:

1. Analects - Lunyü 论语. Taipei: Chongwen Shuju, 2016.
2. Bai, Gang, General History of Chinese Political System - Zhongguo Zhengzhi Zhidu Tongshi 中国政治制度通史. Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe, 1993.
3. Book of Changes - Yijing 易经. Changsha: Hunan Renmin Chubanshe, 1993.
4. Book of Documents - Shujing 书经. Taipei: Zhongyang Tushuguan, 1991.
5. Chan, Wing Tsit, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1963.
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8. Feng, Youlan, The History of Chinese Philosophy - Zhongguo Zhexue Shi 中国哲学史. Beijing: Chongqing Chubanshe, 2009.
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10. Book of Rites - Liji 礼记. Xinjiang: Xinjiang Qingshaonian Chubanshe, 2006.
11. Liu, Zhao, Aannotated Guodian Chu Bamboo Texts - Guodian Chujian Xiaoshi 郭店楚简校釋. Fuzhou: Fujian Renmin Chubanshe Press, 2003.
12. Nelson, Eric S., Onto-Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Nature in the Yijing. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38(3), 2011: 335–338.
13. Sertdemir, İlknur, The Concept of Human Being throughout Classical Chinese Texts. PhD Thesis, Ankara: Ankara University Graduate School of Social Sciences, 2020.
14. Tu, Weiming, Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985.
15. Xu, Zi, Origin and Evolution of Heaven-Earth-Sovereign-Ancestors-Masters - Tiandi Junqinshi Yuanliu Kao 天地君親師源流考. Beijing: Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao, 2006.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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