Academicus International Scientific Journal


A Pioneer of Women’s Liberation

Full Reference List:

1. BARNARD, Malcolm (1996): Fashion as Communication. London; Routledge.
2. BARNES, Ruth / EICHER, Joanne B. (ed.) (1992): Dress and Gender: Making and Meaning. Providence; Oxford: Berg.
3. BERGER, John (1982): Ways of Seeing. London; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
4. CHANEY, Lisa (2011): Chanel: An Intimate Life. London: Penguin Books.
5. CHARLES-ROUX, Edmonde (2005): Coco Chanel. Ein Leben. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
6. CLICK, Calvy (2019): “Do You Know the Story behind Chanel’s Interlocking C Logo?” In: Who What Where. (quoted on March 1st 2020).
7. COSGRAVE, Bronwyn (2012): Vogue on Coco Chanel. London: Quadrille Publishing.
8. DESCAMPS, Marc-Alain (1979): Psychosociologie de la mode. Paris: Presses Univeritaries de France.
9. GANDOLFI, E. (2013). For a metaphorical tool to evoke identity: the tomen. Academicus International Scientific Journal, 4(07), 44-53.
10. HENNESSY, Kathryn (ed.) (2012): Fashion: The Definitive History of Costume and Style. New York: Smithsonian.
11. HORTON, Ros / SIMMONS, Sally (2007): Women Who Changed the World. London: Quercus.
12. KONIG, Rene (1967): Kleider und Leute zur Sociologie der Mode. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Bucherei.
13. LAVER, James (1995): Costume and Fashion. London: Thames and Hudson.
14. LURIE, Alison (1981): The Language of Clothes. London: Random House.
15. MONTALEMBERT, Catherine de (2011): Coco – Facetten einer Ikone. München: Knesebeck G.m.b.G. & Co. Verlag KG.
16. PENDERGAST, Tom; Sarah (2004): Fashion, Costume and Culture. Farmington Hills: Thomson Gale.
17. TILAR, J. Mazzeo (2012): Chanel Nº5. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe Verlag.
18. Figure 1: LAVER, James (1995): Costume and Fashion. London: Thames and Hudson (quoted on February 20th 2020).
19. Figure 2: HENNESSY, Kathryn (ed.) (2012): Fashion: The Definitive History of Costume and Style. New York: Smithsonian.

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International Scientific Journal

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