Academicus International Scientific Journal


Has the USA Educational System Failed? Why it Has Failed and What can be Done.

Full Reference List:

1. Button H Warren and Provenzo Eugene F, History of Education and Culture in America Prentice Hall 1983 379pp.
2. Ballhysa, Narbis, and Marita Flagler. “A teachers’ perspective of inclusive education for students with special needs in a model demonstration project.” Academicus 3 (2011): 121.
3. Cubberley EP Education in the United States via google books.
4. CurtiME the social ideas of American educators with new chapter on the last twenty five years (1934 to 1959).
5. Dexter Edwin Grant (1904) History of Education in the United States New York Macmillan- via Hathi Trust.
6. Goldstein Dana The Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession (2014).
7. Herbst Juergen School Choice and School Governance; A Historical Study of the United States and Germany 2006.
8. Latasha, Holt. “John Dewey: A Look at His Contributions to Curriculum.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 11.21 (2020): 142- 150.
9. Lawrence A. Cremin The transformation of the school Progressivism in American Education (1961).
10. Lawrence A. Cremin American Education three volumes from 1607 to 1783; 1783 to 1876 and 1876 to 1980.
11. Lucas, CJ American Higher Education: A History (1994).
12. Monroe Paul (ed) A Cyclopedia of Education five volumes New York Macmillan via Hathi Trust.
13. Parkerson Donald H and Parkerson Jo An Transitions in American Education: A Social History of Teaching 2001 242pp Routledge.
14. Parkerson Donald H and Parkerson Jo An, the Emergence of the Common School in the US Countryside Edwin Mellen 1998 192pp.
15. Peterson Paul Saving Schools: From Horace Mann to Virtual: Learning ( 2010) theorists from Man to the present.
16. Reese William J America’s Public Schools: From the common school to No Child Left Behind Johns Hospkins U Press 2005.
17. Rury John L Education and Social Change: Themes in the History of American Schooling Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 2002.
18. Gjergji, Shpresa. “A pragmatic analyses of the use of types of de ixis in poetry and novels.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 6.12 (2015): 134-146.
19. Thelin, John R A History of American Higher Education: Johns Hopkins University Press 2004 421 pages.
20. Tyack David B The One Best System: A History of American Urban Education (1974).
21. Tyack David B and Elizabeth Hansot: Managers of Virtue: Public School Leadership in America 1820to 1980 (1982).
22. Zimmerman Jonathan Small Wonder: The Little Red Schoolhouse in History and Memory Yale University Press (2014).

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