Academicus International Scientific Journal


Are the United States still the «God’s Country»?

Full Reference List:

1. D. Bell, The End of Ideology, Chicago, Free Press, 1962.
2. D. J. Boorstin, The Genius of American Politics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1952.
3. E. Burke, (1978). Reflections on the Revolution in France, London, 1790.
4. G. Campioni, Der Französische Nietzsche, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2009.
5. B. Croce, Teoria e storia della storiografia, Milano, Adelphi, 1990.
6. F. Ferrarotti, Storia e storie di vita, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1981.
7. F. Ferrarotti, Vite di baraccati, Napoli, Liguori, 1985.
8. F. Ferrarotti, Vite di periferia, Milano, Mondadori, 1993.
9. F. Ferrarotti, On the Science of Uncertainty, London-New York, Lexington Books, 2003.
10. F. Ferrarotti. Bismarck’s Orphan: The Modern World and Its Destiny, from “Disenchantment” to the “Steel Cage” Academicus International Scientific Journal 2.04 (2011): 11-34.
11. F. Ferrarotti, Social Theory for Old and New Modernities, London-New York, Lexington Books, 2012.
12. F. Ferrarotti, La saggezza opportunistica del politico avveduto – Il caso Clinton, Chieti, Solfanelli, 2020.
13. F. Ferrarotti, Conoscenza intuitiva comune, scientifica, partecipata, Chieti, Solfanelli 2020.
14. S. Giametta, Nietzsche – il pensiero come dinamite, Milano, Rizzoli, 2007.
15. M. Lerner, The Unfinished Country, Chicago, Simon and Schuster, 1959.
16. G. Penzo, Nietzsche e il nazismo, Milano, Rusconi, 1987.
17. R. Pfeffer, Nietzsche: Disciple of Dionysus, Lewisburg, Bucknell University Press, 1974.

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International Scientific Journal

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eISSN 2309-1088

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