Academicus International Scientific Journal


Anglophone and Civilian Convergence: Law, Values, Culture, and Learning in the Global Age

Full Reference List:

1. Bellomo, Manlio 1995: The Common Legal Past of Europe 1000-1800, Catholic University Press.
2. Benhabib, Seyla 2006: Another Cosmopolitanism, Oxford University.
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5. Buzan, Barry 2006: From International to World Society, Cambridge University.
6. Cable, Vincent 1999: Globalization and Global Governance, Royal Institute of International Affairs.
7. Colley, Linda 2012: Britons: Forging the nation 1707-1837, Yale University.
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14. Giddens, Anthony 1991: Modernity and Self-Identity, Stanford University.
15. Garske, Joseph 2018. Anglophone and Civilian Legal Cultures: Two understandings of human trust for the global age. Academicus International Scientific Journal, 9(18), 34-41.
16. Goldstein, Judith 2001: Legalization and World Politics, MIT Press.
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22. Jackson, John 1998: The World Trade Organization: Constitution and jurisprudence, Royal Institute.
23. Iovan, Martian 2019. Current Meanings of the Legal Culture Concept and the Question of Truth Regarding its Elements. Academicus International Scientific Journal, 10(19), 49-64.
24. Kennedy, David 2016: A World of Struggle, Princeton University.
25. Kimball, Bruce 2015: On the Battlefield of Merit: Harvard Law School, first century, Harvard University.
26. Koopmans, Tim 2003: Courts and Political Institutions: A comparative view, Cambridge University.
27. Lambropoulos, Vassilis 1993: The Rise of Eurocentrism, Princeton University.
28. Lesaffer, Randall 2010: European Legal History, Cambridge University.
29. Lumann, Niklas 2000: The Reality of the Mass Media, Stanford University.
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33. Ong, Walter: Orality and Literacy, Routledge, 1988.
34. Piketty, Thomas 2017: Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Harvard University.
35. Potter, Harry 2015: Law, Liberty and the Constitution: A brief history of Common law, Boydell Press.
36. Radding, Charles 1988: The Origins of Medieval Jurisprudence, Yale University.
37. Readings, Bill 1996: The University in Ruins, Harvard University.
38. Rose, Nikolas 1990: Governing the Soul: The shaping of the private self, Routledge.
39. Slaughter, Anne-Marie 2004: A New World Order, Princeton University.
40. Slobodian, Quinn 2018: Globalists: The end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism, Harvard University.
41. Sutton, Matthew 2014: American Apocalypse: A history of modern evangelicalism, Harvard University.
42. Tiger, Michael 1977: Law and the Rise of Capitalism, Monthly Review Press.
43. Wendt, Alexander 1999: Social Theory of International Relations, Cambridge University.
44. Williams, Raymond 1983: Culture and Society: 1780-1950, Columbia University.

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