Academicus International Scientific Journal


Quine on the Dogmas of Empiricism

Full Reference List:

1. D. Davidson, “Three Varieties of Knowledge”, in: A. Phillips Griffiths (ed.), A.J. Ayer Memorial Essays, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991.
2. I. Hacking, Representing and Intervening, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983.
3. J. McDowell, Mind and World, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1994.
4. H. Putnam, Pragmatism: An Open Question, Blackwell, Oxford-Cambridge (Mass.), 1995.
5. W.V. Quine, “Existence”, in W.Y.Yourgrau, A.D. Breck (eds.), Physics, Logic and History, Plenum Press, New York-London, 1970.
6. W.V. Quine, “Replies”, in D. Davidson, J., Hintikka (eds.), Words and Objections. Essays on the Work of W.V. Quine, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1975.
7. W.V. Quine, “Two Dogmas of Empiricism”, in W.V. Quine, From A Logical Point of View, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1980, 2nd ed.
8. W.V. Quine, “On the Very Idea of a Third Dogma”, in W.V. Quine, Theories and Things, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.)-London, 1981.
9. W.V. Quine, Word and Object, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1994, 20th pr.
10. W. Sellars, “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind,” in W. Sellars, Science, Perception and Reality, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1963.
11. R. Trigg, Reality at Risk, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York-London, 1989, 2nd ed.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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