Academicus International Scientific Journal


The Role of National Ombudsman’s Offices in Promoting the Concept of good Administration in Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo. The way ahead

Full Reference List:

1. Davitkovski, B., and Pavlovska-Daneva, A. (2009). Realizing Citizens’ Rights through the Administrative Procedure and Administrative Dispute in the Republic of Macedonia. Hrvatska javna uprava, 9 (1), 125-140.
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3. Keynote introduction of the antiparliamentary seminar on The Ombudsman’s Role in a Modern Parliamentary Democracy, 18th November 2015, available on html.bookmark.
4. Koprić, I., Musa, A., & Lalić Novak, G. (2011). Good administration as a ticket to the European administrative space. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 61(5), 1515-1560.
5. Kucsko-Stadlmayer, G., ed., European Ombudsman – Institutions and their Legal Basis. Springer Verlag, Wien, New York, 2008.
6. Musaraj, A. (2011). Communication processes, public administration and performance evaluation. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (3), 28-37.
7. Mendes, J. (2009). Good Administration in EU Law and the European Code of Good Administrative Behavior. European University Institute, EUI Working papers, Law 2009/09, Department of Law: 1-19.
8. Woehrling, J.-M., Judicial Control of Administrative Authorities in Europe: Toward a Common Model, Papers presented at the “Regional Workshop on Public Administration Reform and EU Integration”, Budva, 5-6 December 2005.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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