Academicus International Scientific Journal


Role and participation of women in the establishment and implementation of international security policies

Full Reference List:

1. Enloe, C. 2015. “Chapter 02: Women, Peace and Security”, Clark University.
2. International Women’s Relationship for Peace and Freedom. “History: 100 Years of Work for Peace and Freedom”. / (Seen on October 21, 2017).
3. Kamaruzzaman, Suraiya. 2008. ‘’ Agents for Change: The Women’s Role in the Peace Process in Aceh ‘’. Issue 20: (Seen on October 28, 2016).
4. Musaraj, Arta. “Intercultural and Interreligious Communication in the Balkan.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 7 (2013): 36-43.
5. Niethammer, C., Blackden, M., and Stachau, H. 2008. Creating opportunities for women entrepreneurs in conflict-affected countries. Washington, DC: International Finance Corporation. p.34.
6. Scannavini, K. (2013). The necessity of Intercultural Communication for a peaceful world. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (8), 172-188.
7. Thornton, Th. and Whitman, T.. 2013. “Gender and Peacebuilding”. Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict, ed. Craig Zelizer.
8. The Center for Humanitarian Dialogue. 2011. “Peace in Asia and the Pacific: Participation, Perspectives and Women’s Priorities”. p.9.
9. Orville, V. 2011. “The role of women in global security.” United States Institute of Peace. Special Report 264.
10. Bartholini, I. (2015). Some consideration about the gender violence in two States of Eastern and Western Europe. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (11), 142-153.
11. United Nations Peacekeeping, “Gender Statistics”, peacekeeping/resources/statistics/gender.shtml (Seen on October 20, 2017).
12. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality, UNIFEM. “Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations”. p.3.
13. United Nations. 2002. “Women, Peace and Safety”. Study Submitted by the Secretary-General, pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1325. p.54.
14. Resolution 1325.2000. Approved by the Security Council at its 4213th meeting, October 31, 2000.
15. Resolution 1820. 2008. UN Doc. S / RES / 1820 (United Nations Security Council, 19 June, 2008).
16. Resolution 2122. 2013.

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International Scientific Journal

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eISSN 2309-1088

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