Academicus International Scientific Journal


The integrity of persons elected, appointed or exercising public functions

Full Reference List:

1. Resolution of political agreement between government and opposition in the Assembly of the Republic of Albania”, dated 24.12.2014
2. Decision nr. 32/2015 “On the establishment of a special parliamentary commission for the implementation of the issues in the resolution on the agreement between the majority and the opposition in the Albanian Parliament”.
3. Law no. 138/2015 “On guaranteeing the integrity of the persons elected and/ or appointed to, or exercising public functions”, amended by law no 38/2016.
4. Decision no. 17/2016 “For determining detailed rules on the implementation of the prohibitions provided in law no. 138/2015 “On guaranteeing the integrity of the persons elected and/or appointed to, or exercising public functions”.
5. Criminal Code of Republic of Albania, approved by law no. 7895, dated 27.1.1995, amended.
6. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Rome, 4.XI.1950 (European Convention on Human Rights), amended by Protocols Nos. 11 and 14 supplemented by Protocols Nos. 1, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 13.
7. Mone, K. (2014). The Political Parties as Organisations of Representation of the Political Rights of Individuals in Albania. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (9), 235-247.
8. Scoppola V. Italy (No. 3) (Application no. 126/05, 22 May 2012) the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights.
9. Musaraj, A., & Gerxhi, J. (2010). Communication and Ethical Behavior in the Public Service. From a moral choice toward a legal code. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (01), 11-21.
10. Case of Hirst v. the United Kingdom (NO. 2) (Application no. 74025/01) Judgment Strasbourg 6 October 2005; jsp?p=&id=924847&Site=COE&direct=true.
11. Opinion No. 807 / 2015, CDL-AD(2015)036 European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) “Report on exclusion of offenders from Parliament”, adopted by the Council of Democratic Elections at its 52nd meeting (Venice, 22 October 2015) and
12. Italian Legislative Decree of 31 December 2012, n. 235, “Unique text of the provisions on non-candidacy and forbiddance of holding elective and government posts resulting from definitive sentences for uncollected crimes pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 63
13. Sentence no. 236 of year 2015 of Italian Constitutional Court “Provisions on non-candidacy”, c.d. “Severino Law”.
15. 2016#sthash.pjlfqD79.dpuf.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

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