Academicus International Scientific Journal


Albania and the teaching of religion in schools

Full Reference List:

1. Durkheim, Emile. The elementary forms of the religious life. Routledge, 1976.
2. Macioti, Maria Immacolata. Religione, Chiesa e strutture sociali. 1974.
3. Macioti, Maria Immacolata. Immigrati e religioni. Liguori, 2000.
4. ODHIR Advisory Council. Toledo guiding principles on teaching about religions and beliefs in public schools. Warsaw, Poland, 2007.
5. Cfr. The Economist, “Il mondo in cifre 2016”, International Edition.
6. Melady, Thomas Patrick. “Albania: a nation of unique inter-religious tolerance and steadfast aspirations for EU integration.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 07 (2013): 12-17.
7. Musaraj, Arta. “Intercultural and Interreligious Communication in the Balkan.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 07 (2013): 36-43.
8. Ministry of Education of Italy, Ministerial Decree of 22 August 2007, n. 139, art. 1.
9. Mitchell Gregory. “Carl Jung and Jungian analytical psychology.” http://www.
10. McNeely, Clea, and Jayne Blanchard. “The teen years explained: A guide to healthy adolescent development.” Jayne Blanchard, 2010.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
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