Academicus International Scientific Journal


The council of the employees in the Albanian Commercial Law

Full Reference List:

1. Law 9901, dated 14/04/2008 “On the Merchant and commercial Companies”, as amended.
2. Law 7638, dated 19/11/1992 “On the Commercial Companies”.
3. Aliu B. “Co-determination politics on commercial companies in Albania: a comparative study”, CBU international conference on integration and innovation in science and education April 7-14, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic; www.cbuni. cz,
4. Bachner Thomas, Schuster Philipp E., & Winner Martin. “Ligji i ri Shqiptar për Shoqëritë Tregtare”, interpretuar sipas burimeve të tij në të drejtën europiane, Tiranë, shkurt 2009.
5. Commercial laws of Albania, January 2013, an assessment by the EBRD.
6. Commission for Labor, Social Issues and Health, Parliamentary Document report, Datë 21.06.2011, ora 11:00, retrieved at shendetesia_21_06_2011_980615.
7. Selita, Mirela. “The right of social insurance as constitutional right and as an important right arising from labor relations-An overview of the framework of social.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 07 (2013): 84-95.
8. Corporate Governance Code For Unlisted Joint-Stock Companies In Albania, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy.
9. Dine J., Blecher M., Ligji nr.9901 Pwr tregtarwt dhe shoqëritë tregtare”, teksti me komente.
10. GTZ “Reforma e Ligjit për Shoqëritë Tregtare të Republikës së Shqipërisë, 2007, Dokument për politikat.
11. Fana Mirela, Gorezi Arnisa, “Aspekte ligjore të qeverisjes së korporatave në Shqipëri: Një qasje kritike”, KDU: 33 (05) 34 (05) REFORMA, 2/2015.
12. Worldwide Guide to Trade Unions and Works Councils, 2009, Baker & McKenzie, 1048&context=lawfirms16.
13. Daci, Jordan. “Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 09 (2014): 55-68.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
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