Academicus International Scientific Journal


Armenia, the Armenians: between memory and future

Full Reference List:

1. Altounian, Janine and Vahram. [Remembering in order to forget. The Armenian Genocide in the Diary of a Father and the Memory of a Daughter], with an essay by Manuela Fraire, Donzelli editors, Rome (2007): 95 (ISBN 978-88-6036-170-7) (In Italian).
2. Atanesyan, Arthur and Karapetyan, Ruzanna [Human Security: The Armenian Experience], La Critica Sociologica (The Sociological Critique) n. 192, Winter 2014 (In Italian).
3. Balakian, Grigoris, Armenian Go gotha. A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1918, Vintage Books, Random House, New York (2009): 5091.
4. Cortese, Fulvio and Arslan, Antonia (editors) [Pro Armenia. Jewish Responses to the Armenian Genocide], Giuntina, Florence (2015) (In Italian); Glendale, California (2012).
5. Flores, Marcello, [History and Justice in the Armenian Genocide], in [The Infinite Genocide], edited by Martina Corgnati and Ugo Volli, Guerini e Associati, Milan (2015) (In Italian).
6. Guréghian Jean, [History of Armenia], Yoran Embanner, Clamecy (2011): 349 (In French).
7. Kirakossian, Arman J., Brief History of the Armenian Question and the Armenian Genocide, Grakan Hayrenik CISC, Hayastan Publishing House, Vienna (2014): 48 (ISBN 978-5-540-02361-0.
8. Kuciukian, Pietro, [Dispersed. A Journey among the Armenian communities of the world], Guerini e Associati, Milan (1998): 228 (In Italian).
9. Marchand, Laure and Perrier, Guillaume, [Turkey and the Armenian Ghost], Actes Sud, Arles (2013) (In French).
10. Morgenthau, Henry, [Diario 1913-1916], Guerini e Associati, Milan (2010) see in particular chapter 27 [“I Shall Do Nothing For The Armenians” says the German Ambassador] (In Italian) Translated from Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, Wayne State University Pr
11. Ruyssen S.J., Georges-Henri (editor), [The Armenian Question], Vol. I, 1894- 1896, Vatican Secret Archives (ASV), Edizioni Orientalia Christiana Valore Italiano Lilamé (2013): 686 (In Italian).
12. Ruyssen S.J., Georges-Henri (editor), [The Armenian Question], Vol. II, 1894- 1896 Archives of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches (ACO), Edizioni Orientalia Christiana Valore Italiano Lilamé (2013): 351 (In Italian).
13. Ruyssen S.J., Georges-Henri (editor), [The Armenian Question], Vol. III, 1908- 1925, Archives of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches (ACO), Edizioni Orientalia Christiana Valore Italiano Lilamé (2014): 678 (In Italian).
14. Ruyssen S.J., Georges-Henri (editor), [The Armenian Question], Vol. IV, 1908- 1925, Vatican Secret Archives (ASV) & Archivio Storico della Segreteria di Stato, Sezione per i Rapporti con gli Stati (SS.RR.SS.), Edizioni Orientalia Christiana Valore Italian
15. Ruyssen S.J., Georges-Henri (editor), [The Armenian Question], Vol. V, 1908- 1925, (27 May 1918-3 March 1921), Vatican Secret Archives (ASV) & Archivio Storico della Segreteria di Stato, Sezione per i Rapporti con gli Stati (SS.RR.SS.) Edizioni Orientalia
16. Uluhogian, Gabriella, [The Armenians], Il Mulino, Bologna (2009) (In Italian).
17. Werfel, Franz, The Fourty Days of Musa Dagh, Verba Mundi, Boston (2012).
18. A Hundred Years from the Armenian Genocide. The Story of a Rebirth], Skira, Geneva-Milan (2015): 62
19. Armenia. The people of the Ark], Skira, Geneva-Milan (2015): 173
20. Macioti, Maria Immacolata. “Armenians and 20th century genocide-Debates.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 03 (2011): 38-60.
21. Adam, Jean-Michel, [Analysis of Narratives], Seul, Paris (1996): 96 (In French)4.
22. Bertaux, Daniel, [The Narratives of Life], Nathan Université, Luçon (1997; 2001):128 (In French)4.
23. Ferrarotti, Franco, [History and Life Stories. The Biographical Method in the Social Sciences], Teraèdre, Paris (2013):147 (In Italian)
24. Lejeune, Philippe, [The Autobiography in France], Armand Colin, Paris (1971; 2003): 192 (In French)
25. Pineau, Gaston, Le Grand, Jean-Louis, [Life Stories], Puf, Paris (1993): 126 (In French)
26. Il genocidio armeno nella storia e nella memoria [The Armenian Genocide. History and Memory], Nuova Cultura, Rome 2011 (second edition, 2012), pp. 159.
27. A translation of this book into Armenian, Yerevan 2015.
28. L’Armenia, gli armeni.Cento anni dopo [Armenia, the Armenians. A Hundred Years Later], Guida Editore, Naples, 2015, pp. 387.
29. Si parla del genocidio armeno [Speaking of the Armenian Genocide], in La critica sociologica [The Sociological Critique], 194, Summer 2015, pp. 57-58.
30. Emigrazioni armene in Italia [Armenian emigrations to Italy], La critica sociologica n. 192, Winter 2014, pp. 53-79.
31. La questione armena [The Armenian matter], La critica sociologica, 190, Summer 2014, p. 103.
32. L’Armenia. A cento anni dal genocidio [Armenia. A Hundred Years after the Genocide] (special edition of) “Religioni e società” [“Religion and Society”], n.80, September-October 2014. Editor.
33. Ivi, Gli Armeni, a cento anni dal genocidio. Una introduzione [The Armenians, a Hundred Years after the Genocide. An Introduction], pp. 13-20.
34. Azerbaigian, Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia [Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia], “La critica sociologica”, 187, 2013, pp. 61-70.
35. Lettera dall’Armenia [Letter from Armenia], La critica sociologica n. 182, Summer 2012, pp. 87-94.
36. Le persecuzioni agli armeni nel Diciannovesimo secolo [The Persecution of the Armenians in the Nineteenth Century], La critica sociologica 177, Spring 2011, pp. 69-92
37. Macioti, Maria Immacolata. "Armenians and 20th century genocide-Debates." Academicus International Scientific Journal 3 (2011): 38-60.
38. 26-29 August 2015, XXII International Summer School on Religion, S. Gimignano e Tavarnelle, Il senso del vivere oltre le nuove solitudini [The sense of living beyond new solitudes]: Photography exhibition. Curator (cfr.).
39. Chairperson, special section on The Armenian Genocide. 100 years later.
40. 23 June 2015, Roma, Sala valdese, Armenia, A Hundred Years Later. Relatrice.
41. 21 May 2015, AIS / Italian Sociological Association) and CESNUR, Torino, L’Armenia, ieri e oggi [Armenia, yesterday and today]. Lecture.
42. 21 May 2015, Turin University, Seminar on Armenia. Lecture.
43. 19 May, Naples, casa ed. Guida, Presentation of L’armenia, gli armeni. Cento anni dopo [Armenia, the Armenians. A Hundred Years Later].
44. 27 April 2015, Yerevan, State University, Armenia, Presentation of the translation of Il genocidio armeno nella storia e nella memoria [The Armenian Genocide. History and Memory].
45. With the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia and the ICBSA (Central Instiutute for Sonorous and Audio-Visual Goods, Ministery of Cultural Heritage), as coordinator of Ais_ Religione (Italian Sociological Association, Section of Sociology of Religion, Armen
46. 23 March Presentation of the initiative ICBSA.
47. 24 March Presentation of a special issue on Armenia, from the review “Religioni e società” [“Religion and Society”]. Curator. Hall of the monumental complex of the Vittoriano.
48. 26 March La storia e le storie: narrazioni e testimonianze del genocidio armeno [History and Story: Narrative and Testimony of the Armenian Genocide], Chairperson.
49. 27 March Presentation of the book Armenia, the Armenians. A Hundred Years Later, ICBSA.
50. 24 April 2014, Rome, Russian Ecumenical Center, Lecture for the 99 year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
51. 29 May 2013, Rome, Sala valdese: L’Armenia tra storia, cultura, cibo [Armenia, history, culture, food]. Lecture.
52. Rome, La Sapienza, Master: Immigrants and Refugees, Doctorate in Sociology and Applied Social Sciences SESSA, a sua cura, L’Armenia oggi. La Repubblica armena e gli armeni, [Armenia today. The Armenian Republic and the Armenians] 23 October 2013. Internat
53. 25 September 2012, Yerevan, Armenia, State University, Faculty of Sociology, Social contruction of Reality: Chances and Risks for Human Communication. Relatore, with Enrico Pugliese: The Building of theIitalian National Identity and the Role of Migration.
54. S. Gimignano, 26-29 August 2015, Photography Exhibition. Curator (19 photos of Armin Wegner; 32 of her own, as well as those of others).
55. “La critica sociologica” n.182, Estate 2012, Cover photo (of Mount Ararat and the no man’s land in front of the armed border between the Republic of Armenia and Turkey); a further 8 photos of Armenia inside.

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