Academicus International Scientific Journal


Secession and EU Membership - Is an EU member state secessionist territory automatically within EU after archiving its independence or have to reapply for membership?

Full Reference List:

1. Rüschenschmidt, Michael J. “Constitution of the United States of Europe - A Concept or Blueprint – A suggestion of a political deepening of the European integration” (2010).
2. Sorens, Jason. “Secessionism: Identity, Interest, and Strategy” Mcgill Queens Univ Pr (2012).
3. Hassan, Gerry. “Radical Scotland: Arguments for Self-Determination” Luath Press Ltd; 1 edition (2011).
4. Sillars, Jim. “Scotland: The case for optimism” Polygon (1986).
5. Maas, Willem. “Creating European Citizens.” Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield (2007).
6. Musaraj, Arta. “Intercultural and Interreligious Communication in the Balkan.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 07 (2013): 36-43.
7. Ward, Alan J. “The Irish Constitutional Tradition: Responsible Government and Modern Ireland 1782–1992” Catholic Univ of Amer Pr (May 1994).
8. Wiener, Antje. “European’ Citizenship Practice: Building Institutions of a NonState. Boulder” Westview Press (January 1998).
9. Musaraj, Arta. “Western Balkans Between Europe And Balkanization.” Contemporary Macedonian Defense/Sovremena Makedonska Odbrana 13.25 (2013).
10. Castro, Elizabeth. “What’s up with Catalonia?” Catalonia Press ed. (2013).
11. Alland, Alexander. “Catalunya, One Nation, Two States: An Ethnographic Study of Nonviolent Resistance to Assimilation” Palgrave Macmillan (2006).
12. Guibernau, Monserrat. “Catalan Nationalism: Francoism, transition and democracy” Routledge Reprint edition (2012).
13. Bühler, Konrad G. “State Succession and Membership in International Organizations” Springer; 1 edition (2001).
14. Rogel, Carole “The Breakup of Yugoslavia and Its Aftermath” Greenwood; 2 edition (2004).
15. Innes, Abby, “Czechoslovakia: The Short Goodbye” Yale University Press (2001).
16. “Vienna Convention on succession of States in respect of treaties”. (1978) United Nations Treaty Series at : english/conventions/3_2_1978.pdf.
17. EU Strategy for the South Caucasus at:
18. Economic and Social Research Council Devolution and Constitutional Change research programme at:
19. European law mentioning Greenland Treaty at: droit_communautaire/droit_communautaire.htm.
20. Articles of the Treaty of Union. Scotish and English parliaments Act at: (England) (Scotland).

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International Scientific Journal

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eISSN 2309-1088

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