Academicus International Scientific Journal


Clinical Education, the lessons learned from practical applications - Albanian issues, East Europe and the advanced international practices on Clinical Education

Full Reference List:

1. James Dingemans - Disciplinary issues in legal profession. Establishment of rule of law. – Advocacy. Publication of the National Bar Association, first edition, Tirana, 2012.
2. Clinical Law review- New York University School of Law. Vol. 17 / Nr. 2, Spring 2011.
3. J.P.Ogivly, Leah Wortham, Lisa G.Lerman – Learning from practice, Second Edition.
4. The legal clinic- The idea, organization, methodology – The legal clinic Foundation, Warsaw 2005.
5. Clinical Law Review- Tennese University, Vol.75, Nr.2, winter 2008.
6. Clinical anthrology. Readings for live-client clinics- A.J.Hurder, F.S.Bloch, S.L.Brooks, S.L.Kay, Anderson Publishing Co, Cincinnati, Ohio.
7. Legal Clinics and Law Students: Rocks and Cement for Better Legal EducationJohn S. Bradway, Professor of Law at Duke University.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
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