Academicus International Scientific Journal


Aspects of government policies in the fields of economy and entrepreneurship from the gender viewpoint

Full Reference List:

1. Calcagnini.G, Giombini.G and Lenti.E “Gender differences in bank loan access. An empirical analysis.”
2. Commission Proposal for a Council Directive Implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment between Women and Men in the Access to and Supply of Goods and Services, paragraph 14, COM (2003) 657 final (May 11, 2003)).
3. Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women about Albania, September 2010.
4. Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Policy Brief: Empowering Albanian Rural Women;Economic and Social Perspectives, Tirana, October 2010.
5. Institute for Public Policy Research “Women and banks: Are female customers facing discrimination?” November 2011.
6. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, Women, Business and The Law, 2014.
7. Panopoulos. Adam g “ Barriers to financing: Is European union indirect discrimination law the answer for female entrepreneurs?”.
8. Musaraj, Arta. “Albania, the human factor and sustainable development: a lesson from the present” Academicus – International Scientific Journal 4 (2011): 35-41. Print ISSN 2079-3715, Online
9. Strategjia kombëtare për barazinë gjinore dhe reduktimin e dhunës me bazë gjinore e dhunës në Familje, 2011-2015.
10. Strategjia Kombëtare për punësim dhe aftësi 2014-2020 “Aftësi më të larta dhe punë më të mirë për të gjithë femrat dhe meshkujt”.
11. UN Action Plan for Women’s economic empowerment in Albania,March 2014.
12. UN Woman: Ekonomi. M and Arqimandriti.M “Mapping women’s economic situation in Tirana, Vlora Shkodra and Elbasan, Tirana, December 2012.
13. UN Women” Realizing women’s rights to land and other productive resources” New York and Geneva, 2013.
14. UNDP, Komisioni mbi Sektorin Privat dhe Zhvillimin, Raport për Sekretarin e Përgjithshëm të Kombeve të Bashkuara, “Nxitja e sipërmarrjes: Ta bëjmë biznesin të funksionojë për të Varfërit”, Mars 2014.
15. World Bank “Opportunities for men and woman: Emerging Europe and Western Asia”, Report no 65189.

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International Scientific Journal

pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088

Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
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