Academicus International Scientific Journal
Academicus ISJ is led by an international Editorial Board, consisting of worldwide renowned members of the academic and scientific community, who by their strategic orientation of the journal and the rigid scientific content monitoring they provide, ensure that the works selected for publication meet the highest international scientific and publishing standards. The journal brings together the scientific research of academics within a wide arena of discussion in a way that few other publications of this kind are actually doing.
Conceived as a scientific journal which gives considerable space to research in the social sciences and humanities, and with a direct impact in the social, economic, political, legal, and communication fields, this journal collects works and scientific research developed from the perspective of the disciplinary and interdisciplinary structuring of the social sciences, indexed in the 1XX.XX and 3XX.XX fields of the UDC ( Universal Decimal Classification).The works published in its issues represent a scientific analysis and approach to research topics with a direct impact on decisions and policy making, as well as contribute in comprehending the great events and dialectics of our societies, expanding the definition of what is regional, starting from the Western Balkans, the Mediterranean countries, Central and Eastern Europe and beyond, with a global view.
The volumes of the Academicus ISJ can be found in hard copy at the Public Library of Vlore City, as well as at the Albanian National Public Library in Tirana as well as in the most important digital libraries worldwide in open access and by subscription.
In order to preserve the intellectual legacy of its digital content in open access within a long-term storage, all works published in Academicus ISJ have been archived in Portico Repository and with DSpace at an Institutional Repository. To measure the academic impact of its articles, except for Google Scholar Citations and Crossref cited-by service, integrated for each of them, according to the citations and readings of an article, inserted PlumX, issued and developed by Plum Analytics, part of Elsevier and has inserted the measurement of the research impact and research attention of the journal by Altmetric part of Digital Sciences, as well as by Dimensions, for each of our articles where in each of them he added the option of Direct Citation part of the Academicus Publication Management System.
Prof. Dr. Arta Musaraj
Editor in Chief
International Scientific Journal
pISSN 2079-3715
eISSN 2309-1088
Sheshi i Flamurit, Rruga Muze
Al-9401 Vlorë, Albania
Tel: +355 68 60 60 555